• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
annie57 said:
… Know anything about FMyers and music? …
I’d be lying if I said I did, only been there once to test drive a boat, beautiful part of da Gulf. I ended up not buying cause I wasn’t impressed with performance or build quality. I'm more of an east coast & caribbian mon, lived from Lauderdale up to Melbourne Beach always close to da coast, can't take it too far inland as I love the sea. But I do know you can grow year round there and that could keep you hot & happy. Just know for sure that you need to stay away from any dives ... good luck on any move decision and have a great extended weekend ^_^
Annie asked if I wanted some Peach Bhut seeds a few day ago:

I was totally blown away when I got a box full of beautiful peppers. I really appreciate the amazing generosity Annie!
The list includes:

3 Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend
3 Giant Yellow Brains
3Giant Yellow 7's
1 Harold St. Barts
1Choc Hab
1JA Hot Choc
2 Douglah
3 inca Red Drop
3Trinidad Perfumes
2 Bonda Ma Jacques
3 Yellow fatalii
3Aji Limon
3Yellow Bouquet
I'll get to tasting at dinner time!
Thanks again!
Sorry lady...was without my puter for the week and banished to the phone. Would get on for a few and get pissed off and say eff it. Define "Shane WTF moment"??? Haha...
Nice pull lady...your big pulls are coming! 
Devv said:
Annie asked if I wanted some Peach Bhut seeds a few day ago:

I was totally blown away when I got a box full of beautiful peppers. I really appreciate the amazing generosity Annie!
The list includes:
3 Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend
3 Giant Yellow Brains
3Giant Yellow 7's
1 Harold St. Barts
1Choc Hab
1JA Hot Choc
2 Douglah
3 inca Red Drop
3Trinidad Perfumes
2 Bonda Ma Jacques
3 Yellow fatalii
3Aji Limon
3Yellow Bouquet
I'll get to tasting at dinner time!
Thanks again!
stc3248 said:
Sorry lady...was without my puter for the week and banished to the phone. Would get on for a few and get pissed off and say eff it. Define "Shane WTF moment"??? Haha...
Nice pull lady...your big pulls are coming! 
Thanks, Shane! (Yeah pulls are much with me; as is some dehydrating and blending for powders, but brutal week; taking it easy today and run, get shower BEFORE deseeding peppers to dry. Lesson learned . :shocked: ) Which may begin tonight, at my pace today, making snails appear cheetahs. Freshmen tryin' t'kill me and they don't know it :rofl:  (among other stuff they don know, smh).
WalkGood said:
I’d be lying if I said I did, only been there once to test drive a boat, beautiful part of da Gulf. I ended up not buying cause I wasn’t impressed with performance or build quality. I'm more of an east coast & caribbian mon, lived from Lauderdale up to Melbourne Beach always close to da coast, can't take it too far inland as I love the sea. But I do know you can grow year round there and that could keep you hot & happy. Just know for sure that you need to stay away from any dives ... good luck on any move decision and have a great extended weekend ^_^
You're so welcome, Scott! Have fun! :party:
Shane, w/o puter . . . :shocked: but ya good now!
Many thanks, again, on "not dive," mi hermano ;)
Have case of either, "Don't ever allow me to agree to teach freshmen again" or the serious Probiotics began taking have wiped me out. I'm thinking both. My immune system was compromised by late Thurs. :rofl:
Wonderful gift today from JJJ (Carl) but I dare not eat a pepper (okay I tried a thin red one :onfire: ) with my gastro . . . uh wow but should be better tomorrow; posting this here, on his glog, and back to bed! Thank you soooooooo much, Carl.
Thinking 4 Black Naga, 2 Yellow bhuts, 3 fatalii, 3 orange thai, red thaish maybe and a little skinny red firecrackers. Again, thanks so much!
Devv said:
Nice haul from JJJ Annie, hope you're feeling better!
Thank you, Scott. I had fever when posted that and surely didn't mean to post the pic twice. Might be able to walk like primate by tonight. Gotta get into the garden but don't want to pass out there. Our temps are in mid-80's!! Nice. Lovely package from Carl/JJJ. Can't wait to try!
Devv said:
I'm really jelly of those temps!
Me too, Scott. Finally feeling half-human today. Went down, lit small fire, gonna roast up some poblano and pasilla for that one sauce fermenting--it has choc habs, douglah, choc bhuts and red jals, onion, garlic and smelling like a "salsa" type and "Bill Wills It" Q sauce. "Ahhhhhhh-haaaaa." SWestern. Hot as Hades. Thinking about making some of Q sauce with tamarind etc. half of it. Grand plans. Had coals in chimney. 
Then thought I'd just go check on my winter gear, wool coats, several leather scuba jackets, that cost a good bit, on sale, Kennith Cole type stuff. I'd asked "my sweetie" to take them in FAR end bedroom downstairs and put hang them an empty cedar armoire. Dehumidifier runs in that room. Been leather and dry-cleaned. :dance:  Why, why, why, would somebody put them in another bedroom, known for moisture, take off the cleaner's wrap/garment bag kinda stuff off . . . and just leave the cedar armoire in other room: EMPTY. So, I find my plethora of coats with freakin' mold on them. Not horrible but gotta go!
Let the coals just burn to nothing in chimney and spent the rest of afternoon with white vinegar, tea tree oil, brushes, not in that order with "garments" in sun--thank Gawd I didn't take down that clothes line--I mean: beat mold, brush mold, spray with appropriate cleaner, depending upon coat, and it was 90+F, dripping with sweat, wipin,' cleaning . . . and Jim Morrison's words were echoing, "We could plan a murder or start a religion . . ." ; I have no desire to start another religion. I coulda killed him. The one day I was feeling a little better, wanting to work in garden and on getting some other peppers roasted, peeled, seeds out, frozen as that ferment has couple more weeks. But nooooooooooo.
But the temps were nice to hang coats, jackets after the mold spore issue :twisted: :rofl: . I mean, really?? I got ahead on Friday so I could be truant tomorrow as they go to, *yawn,* library to not listen to research librarian. Same ole same. I end up taking them back and doing a less confusing--they're not in grad school, geez--run-through with them to just show them how to use a very simple keyword search. So, since I gotta do a redo, I see no reason why I should be there tomorrow and I'm good buds with research librarian who's supposed to be . . . thanks Scott: you talked me into this!! :party: Wow: you'z an amazing help! I really want to review that black naga and yellow bhut that Carl sent and get in garden . . . take an extended day . . . labor of love. "Labor of Love Day." I like it.  ;)  
Sanarda said:
So wonderful to see you getting some great pods, either from your grow or gift.  How is that garden looking?  
Indeedy I am. Yep. Pods are a-poddin.'
Just now getting over some stomach troll under bridge that stole my extended weekend. Probably skip my "children" tomorrow and let research librarian "take care of it" since they have to do it, even if I have to redux it with them. Scott made me do it, mentioning temps!! :rofl:  Besides, I actually read an essay from one of my freshmen over weekend. Spanish major. Why is he a Spanish major? "I want to go into Hispanic neighborhoods and do community service to teach them to talk right in Spanish." 19, Pia. College. 19 years old. Transferred in from a community college. Yes Ma'am! I truly live in redneck hell. Anyhow, that one sentence sent me flying to bathroom. I felt lots better after. Or maybe I was thinking of having unlimited funds to get him a ticket, fly him to JFK or LGA, have him go to Spanish Harlem and just give'r a go of it.
Hope to have some pod shots up tomorrow. How does your garden grow?
Annie said
I actually read an essay from one of my freshmen over weekend. Spanish major. Why is he a Spanish major? "I want to go into Hispanic neighborhoods and do community service to teach them to talk right in Spanish." 19, Pia. College. 19 years old. Transferred in from a community college. Yes Ma'am! I truly live in redneck hell. Anyhow, that one sentence sent me flying to bathroom. I felt lots better after. Or maybe I was thinking of having unlimited funds to get him a ticket, fly him to JFK or LGA, have him go to Spanish Harlem and just give'r a go of it.
And I almost shit myself laughing.  I just can't  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: .  I can not tell you how sick I am... Anywho.  Garden is doing really well.  I could actually go to our one street down town and have the whole yard looking like a manicured garden.. I refuse.... fk community college and I went there.  its a get outta jail free card if you ask me.  Redneck has nothing to do with it.  I feel much better too after eating half a mystery choc. (believe choc bhut) and taking a respite to the rest-room.
Sanarda said:
Annie said
And I almost shit myself laughing.  I just can't  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: .  I can not tell you how sick I am... Anywho.  Garden is doing really well.  I could actually go to our one street down town and have the whole yard looking like a manicured garden.. I refuse.... fk community college and I went there.  its a get outta jail free card if you ask me.  Redneck has nothing to do with it.  I feel much better too after eating half a mystery choc. (believe choc bhut) and taking a respite to the rest-room.
Glad you had fun with that one, sweetie. :rofl:  However, I teach (not todaaaaaaay) at a thing with "university" after its other name. I wasn't the only one did a double on him: entire class did. Reassuring. Until a couple of them were talking to him after class like he was a gd missionary. I tell ya: NC has gone been, but now gone, over redneck ravine.
Choc bhut early or late in am sounds fun! I did that once with a whole Douglah few years ago :shocked: . Taught me to drink Maalox first and hit 9-1 and wait to see if other 1 necessary. Heat was tolerable but stomach cramps . . . aw dayum . . .
I'm so glad about your garden, "Mary" :clap: ! (Ain't enough money I could pay anybody in most shallow end gene pool and we got bunches them, to clean mine up.) Has freakin' pigweed in it, blown in on that derecho last June or May. Got no idea how am gonna kill it. Like I know some seed from Midwest came pouring down? No. So I fed garden several rounds rich compost tea not knowing "what darkness this way comes." Pigweed seed liked those dinners. I've pulled and pulled and pulled until I just had to say "eff it." And I don't say that easily when it comes to gardens. Not being able to move is an "issue." But peppers not suffering!
Peace, girl! Gonna use: "Okay, folks how many of ya need a respite now?" If they sit there, they get no break :rofl:. Then, I'll suggest that one of them come look it up in the dictionary. Hell no; they can't use mbooks, nbooks, laptops, to look up words. No, no, no. Old school. Then, I write it on board; they all use it in a sentence :D: context. By end of semester they love me: Stockholm Syndrome.
 I always leave your glog with a smile Annie. You crack my redneck ass up. I see you have much experience at dealing with my kind ;)  Don't let those pencil pushing , Ipod addicted, wanna be students lose all your hair   :rofl:
 And like Pia said we need garden pics girl. Drink a glass of Pepto and get in the garden  :P
romy6 said:
 I always leave your glog with a smile Annie. You crack my redneck ass up. I see you have much experience at dealing with my kind ;)  Don't let those pencil pushing , Ipod addicted, wanna be students lose all your hair   :rofl:
 And like Pia said we need garden pics girl. Drink a glass of Pepto and get in the garden  :P
Aw, Jamie you want to major in Spanish so you can teach Latinos to speak Spanish correctly? lol. Methinketh not! As you will see, patience, I been in da garden . . . whew! Thanks sweet Jamie! ;)
But first a review of Black Naga sent to me by JJJ (Carl):
Pod is nice size, larger than red naga, great texture, firm:

Can't decide if this smells more bhut than naga. Less floral than bhut. Heavy placenta, seeds, greenish-yellow with some red-orange color on interior. Nice and oily; thick skin.

Removed as many seeds as possible for saving and because I don't care to chew seeds. Lots of placenta in tact.

I took a bite:

After this, coming off stomach issue or probiotic OD, this pepper is not that bad. Ate rest of the half without undue stress to stomach without Pepto, Maalox.
Has a undertone taste I can't place but reminds me of an almost ripe tomatillo. Much more fruity and not nearly as "earthy" or "smokey" tasting as Choc Bhut and not as bitterly fruity as red naga. Burn gave me some sweat, some nasal "stuff," heat located on tongue, but didn't go to throat. Like this taste better than Choc bhut and the heat is not as intense. Make a good powder with maybe some sweet vindaloo powder, amchoor, maybe a touch Chinese five spice if blended with a little Douglah in powder. Make great sauce, I think. Gonna grow this next year :party: . Like the size and complexity of taste compared to red naga. Thank you so much, JJJ/Carl for allowing me to taste this pepper!
After kind of coming down from mild high--I ate half the other half of black naga--tried it w/ some homemade tuna salad, ground yellow and white bhut that Judy and Ramon sent: gonna blend some of this--not a lot of powder but--just gonna try some things we've discussed to enhance some flavors. For now, just powders.
Left Yellow bhut and right white bhut (and should have realized that no white pepper dried, however slowly, is going to retain color but not bad):

Next up, some pod pull shots. First is few I pulled as were turning and allowed to ripen few days in brown paper bag:

Pepper potpourri? A few of everything in here, 7 Pod Brown x Naga (Jamie seed), Ramon's JA red habs, couple yellow bouquet from Kevin/Wayright, few 4 lobe scotch yellow bonnet, yellow 7's, yellow brains, TSMB red and yellow, Douglah, Orange Thai, Carib Reds. 
Then I went to garden:

Mound of Orange Thai up front on top of Bonda Ma Jacques. Inca RDrop and Aji Limon, few red naga down front, Trinidad Perfume, with yellow 7's, yellow bouquet, yellow scotch bonnet, choc habs of varieties, and Carib Reds up in far left.
Next, a second harvest today:

Yellow brains and TSMB yellow, yellow fatalii, more red naga, Ramon's JA Red habs, more 7 Pod brown x Naga, Douglah, Harold St. Barts, yellow scotch bonnet, Carib reds. Oh edit: over to right top the yellow big'uns that look like yellow 7's? Are yellow CARDI from Jamie/Romy 6 seed! They warm but really, really nice!!
Dang, think am due up for several glasses of iced tea before deseeding for dehydrating . . . anything. Thanks for looking! Peace, Annie
Wow, your garden is really producing now Annie! As many pods as you have to deal with, maybe you'd be a canditate for AJ's puree. It preserves the fresh taste of the peppers in a shelf-stable way that's a lot less work than making sauces or powders. Rocketman Bill put me onto it a couple of weeks ago, and that's how I've been processing my Yellow 7s.
Glad to hear you're feeling better!
stickman said:
Wow, your garden is really producing now Annie! As many pods as you have to deal with, maybe you'd be a canditate for AJ's puree. It preserves the fresh taste of the peppers in a shelf-stable way that's a lot less work than making sauces or powders. Rocketman Bill put me onto it a couple of weeks ago, and that's how I've been processing my Yellow 7s.
Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Rick what would that process be? Exactly. To make Tabasco puree, I just fermented those in salt, smushed them with salt, tossed in enough vinegar to get pH down, a little sugar. Is is something like that without the ferment? (Soon as I make a sauce will begin the Tab ferment but not doing a puree of it this year. I messed up the puree last year by adding too much stuff to it, like a lot of powdered chipotle Tabs--big mistake.) Sounds good and thank you for the feeling better gift . . . enough to play hooky today. :shh:
annie57 said:
Rick what would that process be? Exactly. To make Tabasco puree, I just fermented those in salt, smushed them with salt, tossed in enough vinegar to get pH down, a little sugar. Is is something like that without the ferment? (Soon as I make a sauce will begin the Tab ferment but not doing a puree of it this year. I messed up the puree last year by adding too much stuff to it, like a lot of powdered chipotle Tabs--big mistake.) Sounds good and thank you for the feeling better gift . . . enough to play hooky today. :shh:
Here's the thread Annie... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32602-making-some-puree-todaywill-post-pics-of-the-processits-easy/
It's almost exactly the way I make Ajvar, but you don't have to roast and peel the peppers first.
I would have loved to be "truant" today! After a 3 day who wants to go back? And they killed me today. I would have taken the day, but after a "holiday" they will dock you a days pay. But that's OK, I have like 60 days in the bank ;)
Most excellent pulls there Annie! Busy time now!
Love the Spanish story...uh don't they teach that in High School?
Have a great week!
Que cosecha muchach \o/
Holy hot picante peppers … you are pulling more JA Habs than me, lol. Great job! If you have 20 yellow Scotch Bonnets you should try making some of my MoA Hot sauce, I think you’ll like it and I’d love to hear some feedback from someone else who makes it. The rest you seem to have under control with Ricks idea and your awesome fermentations … Hat’s off young lady \o_ 
stickman said:
Here's the thread Annie... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32602-making-some-puree-todaywill-post-pics-of-the-processits-easy/
It's almost exactly the way I make Ajvar, but you don't have to roast and peel the peppers first.
Thanks, Rick. Checked link out after dinner. Got handle on it--a handful peppers, a little salt, a little agave, 1/4 cup white vinegar--I'd strain seeds through food mill and have to complicate it, but long simmer-down . . . yeah! Thanks!
Devv said:
I would have loved to be "truant" today! After a 3 day who wants to go back? And they killed me today. I would have taken the day, but after a "holiday" they will dock you a days pay. But that's OK, I have like 60 days in the bank ;)
Most excellent pulls there Annie! Busy time now!
Love the Spanish story...uh don't they teach that in High School?
Have a great week!
Uh, the idiot "customer" aka student, did well in Spanish at some 2A local h.s. *Sigh;* but his proposal/major, aside from being insulting since his Spanish sounds welp, a tad Southern Appalachian, is absurd on so many levels.  Wow. That kid. Mmm. Literally. He says "casa" like one would say, "Mama Cass Elliot." Mama Cassa? I made some reference to "California Dreaming;" blue angels sobre su cabeza. Jesus.
I had to get some work done in garden and really thrilled to taste that Black Naga. The status of being salaried: sometimes I think I make .50 per hour: they "dock" me all da time! You have a great week too.
WalkGood said:
Que cosecha muchach \o/
Holy hot picante peppers … you are pulling more JA Habs than me, lol. Great job! If you have 20 yellow Scotch Bonnets you should try making some of my MoA Hot sauce, I think you’ll like it and I’d love to hear some feedback from someone else who makes it. The rest you seem to have under control with Ricks idea and your awesome fermentations … Hat’s off young lady \o_
Gracias, querido! Un momento, mi hermano . . . Cual es tu receta? Donde? Porque tengo algo como asi (scotch bonnetesque) en una fermentacion y me gustaria probar tu receta con y sin el proceso de fermentacion. Claro que tengo 20! :dance: (Y mas . . . y mas). (Wasn't going to go too crazy but was going to see if possible to can a jerk paste as well.)
Por favor la tu receta :pray:? Hombre, me duelen las rodillas! :rofl: :shh: