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pests another bug id

Found a couple bugs. One after doing some google searches looks like a tortoise shell beetle and then another, looks to be cousin of a lady bug. Didnt see them on the list on the pest post thought I would share with you and see what you thought. The tortoise shell beetle scared the crap out of me, my wife and I thought it was some bird dung on the leaf, cleaned it and it fell off. Looked closer and was like this looks like a baby frog got plastered in slime, my wife said it looks like a turtle. Either way took a picture of it, flipped it over to get the underside. Thing hadn't moved the entire time, then when i put it on its back it flung open. scared me!


Some sites says it eats foliage. Your thoughts?
Also not sure about this one, so any feedback is appreciated. (sorry for the blurryness, was in a rush.
That bottom pic looks very much like a "bug" I find around here in Cincy, OH. They tend to look very similar to "lightening bugs" with roughly the same size body but with a much much smaller head & longer antennae. I've never noticed any damage from them so I never bothered to id them..
Good luck.
Been trying to research them, they feed on Solanaceae which I guess Tabasco is a member of, and possibly some other flowers my wife has. So weird, never seen one before. Cool looking but creepy at the same time.