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Another New 7 Pod!?!?

Say it ain't so! Oh it's so so!

Finally the wait is over! Introducing Patrick's Perfectly Paralyzing Paranoia Producing Petrifyingly Perplexing Pinocchio Pseven Pepper Pod!! Or the 11P for short.

I have spent absolutely no time whatsoever perfecting the Pinocchio shaped proboscis on the latest superhot 7 pod to be introduced in 2010.

Is it hot you ask? Do bears bear? Do bees bee? Of course they do, what the hell else would they do?

Why right now experts in the field of sun replacement are testing this pepper to see if it's capable of producing enough heat to keep the earth alive while the sun is obscured by clouds. I can honestly say cloudy days are no longer a threat. Without a doubt the world as we know it will forever be unchanged by the introduction of this pepper.

How rare is this pepper? These two examples of the 11P pod are the only two known to be in existence, every other pepper on the plant was normal.


Can you purchase this pepper? No! Of course not dummy there are only two of them. Well maybe if you have enough money. The future of this pepper must be guaranteed so if you act quickly you can reserve a single seed of this life saving pepper for the low low price of $1,995.95. Don't have that kind of dough hanging around? Well then how about making only 12 easy payments of only $995.95 in 30 days to assure your chance to own this pepper? Cash and money orders only.

Hurry! Don't wait! Seriously I have a house payment due. Be the first on your block to grow Patrick's Perfectly Paralyzing Paranoia Producing Petrifyingly Perplexing Pinocchio Pseven Pepper Pod!!
Wow look at the tails on those things!! Sure hope they all grow like that. I have some monopoly money around here somewhere.
Those kind of look a little like what i sent Naganumbness. Well the ones I sent him were from the exact same plant. I sent him ones that were larger and that may or may not have had a tail. I thought they might be scorpions but he said in his video that it seems kind of 7pod-ish but now I dont know what they are. Anyway here is the fruit. What do you think? 7pod variant or scorpion variant? All I know is it was supposed to be really hot. Just ask Naganumbness :)




there's no supposed to be. they are f'n death hot! hey contour, dudes aint supposed to call other dudes hot!lol! what would smergheed think!
LOL that was supposed to read "just ask Naganumbness" LOL. I should change that :)

Haha. There we go. Now it all makes sense.

Ok so What do you think from seeing these pics. I wonder if the scorpions I sent you could have been some kind of 7pod cross and not really a scorpion? I'm confused about what the hell I'm growing. BTW I tried a 1/4 of a small pod and the heat is very intense. Its not just a localized heat. Its a I'm burning you everywhere in your face and mouth heat.

there's no supposed to be. they are f'n death hot! hey contour, dudes aint supposed to call other dudes hot!lol! what would smergheed think!
Holy smokes those are close svtcontour. BUT THEY ARE NOT THE REAL 11P DEAL!!

Don't be fooled by imitations folks, those are not the 11P pepper. There are only two, two I say, in existence. So reserve your seeds NOW!! Only $1,995.95

(Got to keep this thing going, in for a penny in for a pound)

I love the color of yours svt. They all look very consistent on the plant too. Same color, same size.

Wish I could say that but these are the only two pods on the plant. The rest are regular looking Hippy 7 pods.
not sure. the burn was in the throat. with the 7pods i've had it was major tongue burn and not as bad as those evil things you sent me. either way you've got me scared to try my scorps when they ripen.
I LOL'd when you called them the evil things. I swear the 1/4 of a small one I tried had my face burning. Not just my tongue or throat. It felt like my entire head was hot and burning. I dont even want to know or imagine what you tasted. I must admit when I sent you the peppers, I picked the ones that looked the most angry and impressive. I didnt want to be sending you wussy ones. I had no idea at the time I was sending the spawn of satan your way.

So do your scorps look similar to the ones I sent or more traditional?

not sure. the burn was in the throat. with the 7pods i've had it was major tongue burn and not as bad as those evil things you sent me. either way you've got me scared to try my scorps when they ripen.
Eat a scorpion or get hit by a car? Now that's a tough decision. How big of a bit of the scorpion do you have to take? Good luck with it naganumbness.
it was the whole thing unfortunately! not the smartest thing i've done. but , live and learn. i'll have to do a fundraiser to raise the 2 grand for the 11p!lol.
I have been getting the occasional pod that looks like those as well. They never produce any seed, but they are hot as anything! I will make sure to take some pics next time.