Another Profile Photo Issue

I am having a bunch of trouble updating my profile photo. I am using the direct link feature in photobucket, but no dice. If I use a photo off the web (i.e. clipart, cartoon, etc) that will work, however, if I use a photo from my camera it will not post. The grey error box shows up, but does not have any words in it. I resized the photo in pb, but it still did not work. Also, 3 days ago it worked fine. I changed my photo and now when I try to change again, it won't let me.

Any ideas?

OMG Mike sounds like you’re screwed!!
I think in this case size does matter – try reducing the file size, that’s what I would do.
Looks like theres a piece of a puzzle missing from your current profile
Reduce yor file size before loading to PB...
From the profile page - Once uploaded, you can adjust the cropped image.
Recommend an image 200px or larger

Are you loading from photobucket or your desktop? What type of image are you loading - PS will save as a psd unless specified otherwise. You can also use Paint to resize
I make sure mine are about 46KB, in a Jpeg format.
Also, click "remove photo" before trying to upload a new one.
Can you "emty your cache" in your browser? Try that?
Hope this helps MGOLD.
I will try those when I get home. Anyone have a good program that will decrease file size.

I was using the direct link on photobucket under the URL to load the photo. I figured file size didn't matter because I wasn't uploading, just linking.

I'll try to shrink it when I get home. Thanks!

I have a Mac, and I don't use photobucket for my avatars. I duplicate it out of iPhoto into Preview, resize and
"save it". That's the best I can do. I am a computer idiot, so I just stumble through, and usually figure it out as I go.
Not much help probly, but good luck anyway
SD You are da bomb




Were you able to type that from your iPad? :rofl:
Very very very VERY funnie. Hardy har har. Did you here the man? He said I was da bomb!

Glad I could help, even tho I don't know how, myself...

Sent from MiPad..... :BOLD:
I have a Mac, and I don't use photobucket for my avatars. I duplicate it out of iPhoto into Preview, resize and
"save it". That's the best I can do. I am a computer idiot, so I just stumble through, and usually figure it out as I go.
Not much help probly, but good luck anyway
On a Mac, preview is the best thing for making avatar size versions of photos. I use photoshop to create some avatars when I want to be fancy, but open and resave the final version in preview because it makes the file size a bit smaller than photoshop does when saving a jpeg.
When saving a jpeg in Photoshop, it's best (and sometimes imperative) that you save it using the "Save for Web & Devices" option. PS adds some data that a) increases the file size, and b) makes the images non-displayable in some browsers.