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Another sick plant, but I can't think of what it could be??

This is one of the few TS "Butch T" plants I have growing now, I planted a bunch more, but I only have a few this size right now, so if this is something I can get rid of them great.. the plant has been growing like this for the last few weeks, I just figured it was severe edema at first, but I didn't see any bumps or anything.. and I haven't watered it in a while.. at least not enough to give it edema..and all my other plants are doing much better, so bottom line, not edema

none of the other plants next to it seem to be affected so I don't think it is a fungus.. at least nothing that can be passed on by contact, and I was waiting a week or so to see if it affected the new leaves, and it is.. so now it's time to figure out what is wrong with it so I can hopefully fix it..

The texture of the leaves are dry, its like they are just dieing.. but it still keeps growing.. it's not even really slowing it down much, it's about the same size as the other TS I have right next to it.. just ugly and I think once they get a little bigger and start to take off. this will affect it's growth more severely.

Thanks as always!




Did you check under leaves for insects? I can't tell from the pic,
and I'm no expert, but I have had plants present like that in my garden
that have been affected by chewers and suckers. Perhaps it has a virus
some kind? Just shooting in the dark.
I don't know...but I would isolate it! What ever is attacking that plant...be it bug, virus or fungus of some sort could infect your other plants.

I don't know if they make a systemic that can treat all 3 and is safe for food crops. Might want to check into that.
I'm leaning more towards over-fertilizing. What are you feeding them - how much and how often? And is it all the plants, or just a select few?
thanks guys, I was looking at the underside of the plants and the reason I didn't take any pics was because they look pretty much like the top.. it is strange no bumps, no black spots or any spots for that mater, just for kicks I gave it a good spray with some mite/ pest ect.. killer, but I'm not sure, it seems like it acts kind of like a virus would, but I haven't seen what viruses look like on plants, I'm gonna do some searching today and see what comes up.

as far as feeding and watering, I have been kind of random with that because I have had the edema problem with the larger plants, so I gave the smaller ones a little water sometime last week, but before that.. a week and a half ago.. probably 2 weeks, the tent is really humid and I have been venting it to take the moisture out, but in general I don't really need to water them that much, I just need to figure out a routine once the edema is completely gone.

for ferts I am not sure if it is that, because it has looked like this since.... well since it was in a Jiffy Pellet.. so I guess for a month or more, I can't remember.. I transplanted it into the party cup and it had looked like this, it just didn't have as many leaves because it was younger obviously lol and for fertilizer I had mixed about... I dono, maybe a tablespoon of bone meal and blood meal into a 5 gallon bucket of soil when I was transplanting them.. and I think I gave this one some water in one of those liter bottles with some holes in the cap with about 5 drops of MG indoor plant feed (it recommends 7 drops per plant per feeding time, but I just do that for 1 big bottle and feed a few of them, just testing it out to see if it will give them a little boost here and there. but I don't plan on feeding them like that very often.. maybe once every.. .3 weeks or so.. maybe if that)... and I am pretty sure I haven't given any of my small plants any epsom salts, I have only done that with the larger ones, and only once with them so far.

hmm, that is about all that I can think of... and this is literally the ONLY plant that is like this.. and it has been like this for a while, I just figure it was from something I did a while back and was going to see if it would out grow it and recover.. but for the last month, all the new leaves turn out great as you can see in the last pic, but then they start to turn and get those crappy scab kind of things on them, you can see it just starting on the tips of the brand new leaves in the last pic..
Could just be a genetic problem with that paticular individual seed, I've had a similiar thing with a batch of plants grown from old seed, I just left them and as they got bigger and stronger they sorted themselves out but never got as big as they should have. Good luck.
What kind of epsom salt regiment did you give them? I know you tried epsom salt but how much? Any chance this plant got a heavier dose than the rest?

Never seen epsom salt poisoning but I guess it could look like that haha, recessed veins and such. It could fix itself, or it could be a virus that was in the seed. I'd keep it away from your other plants just to be sure but the new growth looks a tad better.
What kind of soil is it in?
it's in the same soil as all the other plants, but its a mixture of the only potting soil I could get around here, 2 parts MG potting soil, with about 2-3 parts Perlite(I just add about 2 parts then add enough for the small plants until it is really loose, then I lower the amount of Perlite when they go into 1 gallon pots, but only to about 2 parts about,) 1 part Hoffman virmiculite.. that's about it I think, and the bone and blood meal like I said, but only a small amount mixed into the 5 gallon containers when mixing them, and also a very very small amount of Sulfide I think (the stuff that lowers Ph)

but it is the same soil that is in all the other pots and smaller plants.. and the rest are fine

What kind of epsom salt regiment did you give them? I know you tried epsom salt but how much? Any chance this plant got a heavier dose than the rest?

Never seen epsom salt poisoning but I guess it could look like that haha, recessed veins and such. It could fix itself, or it could be a virus that was in the seed. I'd keep it away from your other plants just to be sure but the new growth looks a tad better.
I didn't give the smaller plants in party cups any epsom salts, just the lager ones in 1 gallon cups, and for them I just gave them less than what was recommended on here, which is.. about a teaspoon or so sprinkled onto of the soil and I had watered them a little bit later, but haven't watered them since.. but like I said it was just with the bigger plants
Could just be a genetic problem with that paticular individual seed, I've had a similiar thing with a batch of plants grown from old seed, I just left them and as they got bigger and stronger they sorted themselves out but never got as big as they should have. Good luck.

that is kind of what I am leaning towards, and it was like this since I can remember, which is why I think it wasn't caught after at some point, but wasn't sure what viruses look like or do... if anything I will just plant it off to the side and see what happens

http://www.google.co...um=1&itbs=1 Could be this reading the list of symptoms... potyvirus, etch virus, mottle virus and mild mottle virus all closely resemble your plants...

thanks, I'll take more of a look at them, like I said above, it's had this since I can remember, but I will isolate it and see what happens and keep checking the viruses you listed and see which loose most like them... and is there anything I can do for them if they are viruses? I was skimming through some of them, but didn't pick up if there was anything to do about it

Thanks guys, really appreciate the help! On a good note, I just had 3 TS Butch T seedlings pop up this morning from the seeds from Bakers Peppers, now I am just waiting on all the other seeds to come up lol.. .so I will have plenty for the garden hopefully!
There are some products that claim to help or treat viruses...but the best defence a plant has is its narural immunity. Years of selective breeding goes into selecting plants that exibit the best immune characteristics and buiding disease resistant strains. Unfortunately one of the side affects of cross polinating plants based on pod color or heat etc is that their disease resistance isn't taken into consideration. Hope its not a virus, but it looks like one...

Magnesium and warmth are supposed to help boost the plants immune system. So you can try using those. On the flip side cool temps can contribute to viral infection so ensure you keep your plants nice and warm. If it is a virus, more than likely your other plants have already been exposed and they are fighting it off,..which is good news. I would still isolate the potentially infected plant.

Good luck!
yea I just cut all of the leaves that were bad off the plant, the first leaves on the plant were fine actually, the cotyledons... and I will see if the new leaves are still bad... and by isolating it, I put it upstairs in the shelf where I have a few other plants starting out, including my mom's tomato plants that should be moved and transplanted sometime soon, and on the bottom shelf is the tray of new seeds I planted last week... so as long as it isn't touching anything would that be ok?

I really don't like throwing plants out, especially since this one has been growing like this for a month or so, but I will keep it separated and see how it does, and when it comes time to plant outside in another 2 months, I will just plant it all by itself in the slightly wooded area that I cleared out this fall.. planning on doing that will a bunch of F1 crosses once I get a few more plants to flower so I can start on them, just to be able to get pods out of them so I can do some F2s.. but will make sure that this one is all by itself
It's just "deformed"....ocassionally that can happen, especially if anyones tried to grow from store bought hybrid fruits or vegatable (seeds)

Nobody nor No seed is "perfect"

I've had exactly this looking thing. I am in the tropics, so fungus is always an issue. I spray fortnightly with Pyrethrum and a fungicide for a couple of months and add a good handful of manure each week. The plants eventually sort themselves out. I havent lost any from it.