AntJan Sauces website

Lord V,

Everyone pretty much is doing a good job handling the technical end of things, but I want to point out a chilehead website you should strive to be. Before I do that, you desperately need something on your home page to spark interest. Words do not cut it. Before I go any further and click on anything, I am thinking mundane website equates to mundane products. Consumers want pictures, it is in our mindset because we are simple animals in the end. Even a dancing chili pepper or a cartoon explosion to indicate the type of product you are selling.

You want to grab the viewer's attention and hold it. Your font is weak as an eye catcher with no design or pics around it. Make the site POP with enthusiasm about your products. This isn't a farmer's market where you put samples out for people to try and you do not need to do anything. You need to get excited about each product. I am excited by looking at the ingredient list and names.

I love GHT, but unless I click on the photo, what am I to think? Describe it to make me drool, so I click on it. Show me the bottle, tell me what GHT means beforehand not after. It is funny! Here is what you wrote before clicking:
"A fruity chilli sauce made with various superhot varieties of chilli."

Okay that is nice, but did you do enough to spark my interest? No. Here is what you said afterwards:
"Gonna Hurt Tomorrow a tasty blend of fruits and superhot chillies. That will blow your sock off when you get a taste."

I think it should be "socks", but the UK lingo might be different than here in the US. Other than that, that line made me laugh. Make me laugh, smile, react emotionally and you get my attention. You need more of that. Anything to grab my attention is a good thing. Lead my like a dog, tell me what you want me to see, where you want me to go. Show all your products on the first page if you have to. Show food, people reacting in photos, whatever you think will keep me from going away. Think of it like a 15 second commercial. You are watching your favorite show/sporting event on the TV, commercial comes...what do you say to keep me from grabbing a snack, going to the toliet, or engaging in conversation? It isn't easy.

Here is the Sweet Sunshine company that has a great homepage that can't go wrong:
That of course is probably more than you can afford, but here is another one that works and is much cheaper from Zane & Zack's World Famous Honey Company:
I know he doesn't have the cash flow to invest major dollars, but he knows how to sell product. The site is playful, pics with his kids, mohawks made for the Fiery Food Show and now on the website. Some cool eye popping graphics, simple stuff, but it makes you interested. Go to the products page and you see the product. He tells you how to use it. We are stupid, we want to be told. Guide us. You are the seller, the smart one here, you know your product, we do not. Sell it to us!

I love marketing, always have. Your website is the most important of your company right now. It is bigger than the product because it is all the people surfing know about it. We can't sample it, so why should we? Tell us.

I hope you get the general idea of what I mean. I know you are just beginning, but think of the big picture. Investing in a company is a big thing, and we aren't all rich to do it. You want to go out to eat to a Mom and Pop restaurant, think of the outside of the building and what gets you inside. Now, what will get them to order something from the menu before they decide to leave. The food might be great or it might be crap, but you got them to eat there. Your website is the restaurant, now get them to order from the menu.