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Any idea what this pepper is?

Yeah, that Medusa looks mighty close...

I think you boys are on the button and appreciate you taking the trouble to help me.

Still can't find any yellow, though, and Nova, I checked the after taste as you suggested, and it's really great! Not at all unpleasant. Heat lasted for about three minutes and was a lovely warm wash. Now to have a cup of hot tea to add to the experience! :-)

AJ - that Yatsafusa is also very close in appearance, but I'm not sure if this one of mine could be classified as hot, though that obviously depends on who does the eating. The Thai Red in rated as very hot, but is also similar visually.

BTW Mods: Every time I try and edit the programme hangs and I have to hit the button again. (Just me?)
if you want to grow a good small podded (about 2" long and skinny) variety that is prolific try the Thai Orange...I grew them two years in a row and have a lot dehydrated and stored in baggies. They have a pretty good heat level...somewhere around 100K, maybe a little less scovies....the burn is in the middle front of the tongue and pretty viscious for a few minutes then dies down...I think the thais have a different capsaicinoid ratio that attacks the heat receptors in that area of the tongue....

oops...sorry, got to ramblin'
That's a great bunch of pics, but I think you might still be on the mark, mate!

I spent time this afternoon checking each of my plants, and the green ones seem to go from a very pale yellow on some of them. Others have only green or red pods, so I can't discount having two separate species here, but chances are slim to none. I got the seeds as fresh pods from a pal and dried / cultivated them myself.