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Any ideas what these could be?

I guess it is waaay too early to really tell, but any ideas what these could be?



They are *supposed* to be Dorset Nagas but now I am not so sure. I got the seeds a couple years ago and after my last season being such a disastrous one, I only managed to get one to pod this year.
ha ha I get paranoid with mine too. you never truely know if you have the real mcCoy seeds hey.
as far as i remember pointy pods should start looking pointy almost from the very beginning. those looks like habs or some type of 7 pot at that stage of it's pod formation.
They dont look like Dorsets. Weird shapes for Habs too, be looking more towards a Caribbean imo.
If I were to guess, I'd say some kind of habanero but you never know. Will say a couple extra chile prayers for you. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Where did you get the seeds? An online source like eBay or some other evil place like that?
as far as i remember pointy pods should start looking pointy almost from the very beginning.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too but wasn't sure as I have yet to ever produce a single Dorset Naga pod! All my Bhuts and Bihs have pretty much been pointy from word go though.

They dont look like Dorsets. Weird shapes for Habs too, be looking more towards a Caribbean imo.
Exactly what I was thinking too. At the moment I'm thinking Scotch Bonnet and if so, that is OK I guess.... after all, I *was* growing one until bloody mites destroyed it! But of course, a 7 Pod would be even better! ;)

If it does turn out to be a Hab though, I'm gonna rage rip the thing up and burn it!!!
I got some a couple of years ago also, they were from the east coast and meant to be Dorset Nagas but they turned out to be a carribean red type but then I had others looking like some other type of Hab. So am guessing that you got the same ones?
yeaah looks like a habenero, but im not 100% suree. I'm instrested to find out what it turns out to be though, keep me posted !
Im still guessing a variety of Habanero! Little bit odd shaped length for hab but I still think it is..or a cross...Can't wait to know for sure. Maybe you should start a contest..Guess that pepper :)
Im still guessing a variety of Habanero! Little bit odd shaped length for hab but I still think it is..or a cross...Can't wait to know for sure. Maybe you should start a contest..Guess that pepper :)
Yeah, and if they are Habs, the winner gets 'em! :lol:

I won't be happy at all if they are Habs.... I am really not a big fan of them!