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any teens?

chilli whisperer said:
Oh,still nice and early,yea,its the start of summer here,its so hot here,we have our own version of the 4 seasons : pre-winter,winter,pre-summer,and summer...except our winter is COLD..super freazing,it snowed once or twice this year,and we stay at the foot of the "black mountains",wich was covered with snow.

I don't know how to work with degrees F,I was only taught in degrees celcius,but today was between 38 to 41 degrees celcius,wich was BLOOMING hot. My one friend's lekgs are burnt as red as blood
Oh,still nice and early,yea,its the start of summer here,its so hot here,we have our own version of the 4 seasons : pre-winter,winter,pre-summer,and summer...except our winter is COLD..super freazing,it snowed once or twice this year,and we stay at the foot of the "black mountains",wich was covered with snow.

I don't know how to work with degrees F,I was only taught in degrees celcius,but today was between 38 to 41 degrees celcius,wich was BLOOMING hot. My one friend's lekgs are burnt as red as blood,and in the summer the sun only goes down at 08:30 PM
you are around if i had to guess 85 to 95  F degrees that is hot im not good with celcius and was I not taught it and if i was i wasnt paying attention LOL here in America where a bit old fashion we have in many ways adopted the metric system but our S.A.E. STANDARD AMERICAN EQUIVILANT system is still used FOR MESUREMENT and we still read temp in Farenhiet
it dosnt snow here as much as i remembered when i was your age we used to get 3 to 5 ft in some places and in others even more
in winter the sun goes down around 6 pm give or take
im about ready to take a nap i work nights and i need a little rest before hand
if you wanna reply one more time thats ok but after this i must go
thanks your friend Joe
I have two grand daughters 14 and 16 years old that pretty much tell you what is the ten most hottest peppers in trhe world and where they came from and just how many SU's they have they even talk to some of the boys in school about hot peppers. both have tried eating a ghost pepper, but they are going through a change in taste as I can't get the oldest to eat a bell pepper and she won't eat any hot ones. Its about the same for Kaytlyn although she will eat sweet peppers she no longer likes anything spicy. funny thing as it was just a few years ago both would eat onions like they were apples raw or cooked now they will gust eat onion rings and every once in a while they will eat Jalapeno poppers. I know at some point they both will go back to eating and cooking with hot peppers as They get older, right now its just a faze they are going through as they both have eyes for the boys right now.
Cool Joe,hope you enjouyed the nap,I fell alseep on this side LOL!

Hey Wildseed!that's pretty cool! When I dtart talking to mu friend abouth the hottest peppers and how the SHU scale works the blank ou,all my friends call me "pepper farmer" lol
Never heard an age limit to love non bell peppers.

Only time I see younguns screwing up is especially during the recent super hot craze.

Don't limit your pepper selection to what is popular.

Go for growing and tasting EVERY pepper known to man.

Don't get caught in a rut.
Tons of peppers out there that ALL have their SPECIFIC heat and taste profiles.

IF you keep your like of peppers-it WILL turn into an addiction-get the most out of it.
Taste AND grow EVERY pepper known to man.

Sweet,mild,Hot or superhot,they all have their place at any given time.
Don't take my advice or you'll end up like me.

59 yrs old and spending way too much time growing pepper plants,making powders and rubs while at the same time looking for new stuff to check out.

I'm married to my peppers and my best friend(Heidi,my dog).

I fish if it doesn't interfere with my plants or if HEIDI doesn't bitch to much that we don't get out on my boat often enough.
She does like grilled and smoked fish...
Smoked anything actually is best.
Ya,thats what you think now.
Get back to me in a few years...
Other plants will be Salsa materials ONLY because they go good with your pepper grow..
I think its great that you've shown such an interest in gardening and at your age :dance:....sadly most kids now days are stuck indoors in front of a tv, or have their phones glued to their hands. :confused:
Thanks you Penny :) its realy fun growing peppers,sadly a lot of teens won't know what fun it is,but it is tricky growing peppers at this age,you don't realy have money to buy seeds,so I'm waiting for my birthday,when I get money,then I'll buy,mostly I get my seeds from very generous members on the forum (:
Well if you ever want to grow some more tomatoes, send me your address in a PM, and I will send you a bunch. ;)
chilli whisperer said:
Cool Joe,hope you enjouyed the nap,I fell alseep on this side LOL!

Hey Wildseed!that's pretty cool! When I dtart talking to mu friend abouth the hottest peppers and how the SHU scale works the blank ou,all my friends call me "pepper farmer" lol
yeah i did
There was a young man in Arizona that posted reviews, but I have not seen any post of his in awhile I think he was 13 or 14 at the time. Maybe he'll see your post and say hello, My oldest daughter got in trouble for taking hot peppers to school. They told her not to bring any more to school or she would be out of school for three days, I think it was more of a problem for the boys she was with,  as they got to daring each other to try and eat the peppers which were Ghost peppers that I had grown, one kid went home as he reacted badly to eating one of them, thats when she was 13.  she knows how to grow peppers too, as she helps me start them off each spring and helps to water them when I can't.  There is a great number of other veggies that you can grow that do well in your Area Tomatoes, eggplants, okra and sweet melons are just some.
Just wondering when age mattered with peppers- bell or otherwise?

The draft=18,drinking in different places is 18-21...

Never asked ANYONE their age when I traded or SASBE'd them pepper seeds.

Kind of a non issue to me.

I'm almost 60,been growing for about 20 yrs.
Had some of the now popular supers before people even knew about Bhuts/Nagas...
I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
I don't care for non stable crosses.
Could not care less about the worlds hottest at any given time.
One trick ponies are a waste of time to me.

My quest has always been to grow EVERY pepper known to man,From every different country.
Hybrids are just in the way.
Most are 1 trick ponies not worth the garden space to me.
Not in MY ballpark.
Nothing wrong with playing with stuff,just don't try and shove it down my throat while eliminating the parent plants as useless.
Most crosses are probably made from plants with unknown purity anyway.
So who knows what they really crossed to get whatever?

Got sidetracked-Age means nothing as far as the grower is concerned.
Never heard of ANYONE asking about age before sending seeds out.
I see a LOT of video comments about "that kid is cool" or whatever due to age.

Love of chili's,hot or sweet is what it boils down to.
Love of chili's is what TO ME classifies a Chilihead.
NOT superhots or what other types they grow.

My quest is to grow EVERY chile known to man,new Hybrids are at the bottom of the list.
Landraces,Heirlooms and varieties from different countries are what I want in my collection,that includes wilds.
I like your opinion there smokemaster :),and I agree,as long as you love growing chillies,not just superhots. Say,how far are you with that quest of yours? Made a dent in the list?
I think I have to start over.
My personal collection was mostly pure seeds.

As a side note,nothing wrong with crosses.
I need the PURE parent plants.
Crosses aren't my quest.
Growing EVERYTHING from everywhere is my quest-landrace,variety and strains are.

Stuff called strains or whatever these days aren't,in general.

I call a strain something that I get that is somewhere between Landrace and Heirloom,Not something created last week or is called whatever.
Too much stuff is crossed from unknown seeds these days.
Non isolated seeds that both plants were produced from and called a strain or whatever...

Off subject I guess.

Ya I'll have a VERY hard time finding PURE seeds to replace my collection,BUT it WILL happen eventually.

I have to add in here,a couple people have offered me seeds after reading I lost my collection.
I have to catch up with answering my mail.


SORRY I haven't gotten back to some of you yet.
I will talk with all of you soon.

ALL of you are great!
smokemaster said:
I think I have to start over.My personal collection was mostly pure seeds.As a side note,nothing wrong with crosses.I need the PURE parent plants.Crosses aren't my quest.Growing EVERYTHING from everywhere is my quest-landrace,variety and strains are.Stuff called strains or whatever these days aren't,in general.I call a strain something that I get that is somewhere between Landrace and Heirloom,Not something created last week or is called whatever.Too much stuff is crossed from unknown seeds these days.Non isolated seeds that both plants were produced from and called a strain or whatever...Off subject I guess.Ya I'll have a VERY hard time finding PURE seeds to replace my collection,BUT it WILL happen eventually.I have to add in here,a couple people have offered me seeds after reading I lost my collection.I have to catch up with answering my mail.PUBLICALLY I HAVE TO SAY THESE PEOPLE ARE GREAT,THE BEST!SORRY I haven't gotten back to some of you yet.I will talk with all of you soon.ALL of you are great!
Let me know if you need anything I have a ton of wilds you can help me grow just pm me if you want them.