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Any Thoughts ?

A coworker just told me she used to collect old cigarette butts and break them up soak them in water for a week or so. There after would use the solution to water here aphid infested plants and it allegedly works amazing in getting rid of the little annoying critters.

Has anyone ever heard of this.

Tobacco Spray for Insect Control
Nicotine is extremely toxic to insects but it's effect is short-lived, only a few hours. This makes it a low hazard to your good insects such as bees and lady bugs.

This is a good defense against aphids, fungus gnats, immature scale, leafhoppers, thrips, leaf miners, and asparagus beetle larvae.

4 cups water
1/4 teaspoon plain liquid dishwashing soap
1/4 cup dried crushed or chewing tobacco or cigarette butts

1.Add the soap to the water and stir to dissolve
2.Soak the tobacco or cigarette butts in the water and soap mixture for 1 hour.
3.Strain through cheesecloth or other fine strainer to remove particles that would clogg your sprayer
Pour into a hand sprayer and spray directly onto pests and undersides of leaves. Use weekly.

Store in tightly closed container. Will keep several weeks.

Note: nicotine can be absorbed into the plant leaves and remain for several weeks. To be safe,
do not use on vegetables and fruits plants sooner than one month before harvest.
Do not use on eggplant, peppers or tomatoes, as these plant suffer from many of the same diseases which tobacco may carry.

Google has lots of links for it...

I don't think I'd use butts-ever smell an ashtray?
Maybe buy some snuff or chewing tabacey.

Or...you could just set a small army of lady bugs loose on em. I know this will be my next choice if I should run into another pest problem this year.

I wouldn't use cigarette butts but have made the garlic/ceyenne/soap solution before.

I like the tomato leaf idea, never tried that before. one site mentioned rhubarb leaves(I have lots of that), another said, if you squish a few aphids, they release a chemical that causes other aphids to drop(i just like squishing them).

since i started adding coffee grounds to my soil mixture i have noticed a decline in aphids, plus i occassionally add aspirin to my waterings and chamomille/epsom salt mist - perhaps the mix of all these has helped reduce my overall aphid situation(i may find a total of 10 aphids per week on about 50 of my plants)

happy squishing.
A coworker just told me she used to collect old cigarette butts and break them up soak them in water for a week or so. There after would use the solution to water here aphid infested plants and it allegedly works amazing in getting rid of the little annoying critters.

Has anyone ever heard of this.

Ladybugs!!! Don't waste the time with nasty cigarette butt (says the ex-smoker) and just get some friendly little ladybugs to ease your aphid issues.
Has anyone here tried making a spray out of Superhot powder and dish soap.

Wouldn't the high capsaicin levels deter those little plant sucking buggers?

I've sprayed my trash before to keep the strays away. Didn't try it for bugs.

Look up Jerry Baker, he used to be on PBS. He is/was an all organic gardener. My dad has a bunch of his recipes somewhere. I'm going to have to stop by and find them. They are all simple mixed of stuff. I know that is all we used when I lived at home and we never had any issues.
Unless your squeemish around bugs (some folks are), I still think the "Beetle Army" suggestion is where it's at. Plus it sounds cool. lol
If i used lady bugs they would turn. Into ufo's. Keep in mind i'm in a public rented apce greenhouse.
On a positive note 5 of 6 supers came out from unserground today. Very pleased BUT
Y soil is no good ro sour