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seeds Anybody else get seeds from asias garden?

I bought the 3 pack of Bhut Jolokias. I knew it was risky but I took a gamble hoping the Yellow Bhut is real. They are great plants so far, but no fruit yet. Agree that the eBay feedback system doesn't work for seeds or anything else that takes a while to test out.
And you know this from experience? :)

No. Not really. But I know of people who squandered money on such cyber sex.
I have been reading tales of woes from people who bought seeds on e bay.

Sorry .Do you feel disappointed?
I was going to order from Asiangarden...some Trinidad Scorpion seeds, but I think I might just get them from Hippy after reading this thread. Price will be about the same anyways and Neil gets great reviews here so nothing to loose.
Hmm that's some bad news indeed. Horseshit! Well I at least hope the other ones prove to be true if not the Chocolate or Yellow Bhut!
Bought seeds from asiasgarden as well. Will post more when they arrive. Will update on germination rates and whatever else.

Bought them 5/11. waiting for it to arrive still. My country's mailing system is archaic at best. But seeds never get confiscated as far as i've heard. Lost maybe.
WickedMojo said:
I'm growing a fatalii X Bhut right now, Im betting its gonna look like the so called "yellow bhuts". Madhatter has a great thread on his yellow bhuts that hes growing but they are not from asiasgarden


I thought he said that they were the ones from asiasgarden, and that they did turn out to be yellow and as hot as a Bhut. Well at least one of the plants was, the other looked kind of different.
I bought them from Asiagardens like most everyone else did, including Madhatter. I had excellent germination and have blooms on approx 7 or 8 plants. If they turn yellow I'll be happy. I believe most people are experiencing just that. The heat appears to be less and that's ok too. I would rather buy from Neil, but I'm also not opposed to buying from Dave again.

roadhouse said:
I thought he said that they were the ones from asiasgarden, and that they did turn out to be yellow and as hot as a Bhut. Well at least one of the plants was, the other looked kind of different.

yeah your right my mistake, for some reason I thought he got them somewhere else, but they did see to be some sort of unstabilized hybrid and not a true bhut mutation either way they are awesome looking pods
I don't really mind getting hybrids so long as they're awesome. besides, we might stand to stabilize the strain ourselves. Which would be awesome if we did.
If they were sold labelled as a cross then there wouldn't be any problems, but it was advertised as a stable mutant which most of us knew was B.S. from the start, and now its been proven.
If I were an E-bayer I think I could get rich really quick scamming people with B.S. seeds, but I'd rather just give away/trade good seeds:)
franzb69 said:
I don't really mind getting hybrids so long as they're awesome. besides, we might stand to stabilize the strain ourselves. Which would be awesome if we did.

I agree nothing wrong with hybrids, I just dont like when people try and pass them off as something they are not. If its a cross cool just call it that and dont try and say its some kind of natural freak mutation lol.
If they were sold labelled as a cross then there wouldn't be any problems, but it was advertised as a stable mutant which most of us knew was B.S. from the start, and now its been proven.
If I were an E-bayer I think I could get rich really quick scamming people with B.S. seeds, but I'd rather just give away/trade good seeds:)

+1 :cheers: