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anybody else suffering


Hey quick question to all on the east coast.Has the rain and really cool temps slowed your plants down?Wondered if the lower ground temp and rainfall lack are playing hell?My plants are happy but way small.Thanks for the info.
Mine took a month to really kick into gear Hixs. They're growing like weeds now with this sunny weather the mountains has been getting. They're not trees yet, but I give them another month, and I should be having trouble getting to those in the back! The plants in pots really took off, vut the ones in the ground are starting to catch up to them now.

Mother nature has definitely been one crazy B%*ch this year, but they'll come around!
Hey Rich, My plants are all in pots on asphalt so they've been plenty warm. I think the rain slowed them some, but they've taken off since. Awful cool here today though. Low 70's for a July day in the DC area is rare. No A/C all day. We still have a long grow season ahead.
I live north of Albany NY, and it's been 70s and 80s all month and the month before, the lows are in the 50s to 60s and it's been overcast or raining constantly.

Sun does peak through the clouds now and again, but as for my plants they are not suffering at all, they are loading up like nobodies business.

The rain actually helps with polination, rain drops slapping the tops of the flowers and knocking pollen onto the stamen.

I'd like the weather to be more sunny, but I cant complain.
hixs said:
Hey quick question to all on the east coast.Has the rain and really cool temps slowed your plants down?Wondered if the lower ground temp and rainfall lack are playing hell?My plants are happy but way small.Thanks for the info.

Yep. They are starting to set fruit like mad now. Cool night temps
was causing a lot of flower drop most of the way through June...
Yea mine are putting out like crazy but am trying to get them over 2 feet.Thanks for everyons input big time.Great seasons for all yall.
Yep, we've been having a bunch of nights that are dipping down to 4C (39F) and days that are barely getting up to 17C (62F). Then just when we finally get 5 days of warm weather inching closer to the mid-20C's (77F) we get a heavy rainfall warning. Supposed to be getting anywhere from 40-60mm's (2.3" or so) overnight and through tomorrow. It's not going to stop raining for the next few days and it looks like there's cooler temps coming again.
I've hit a major slowdown from all the rain/cool snap in the midwest as well. Had one really hot, humid week where they went nuts, then a cooler snap where day temps have only gotten to 60s or low 70s and it just slammed the breaks on ripening, pod production and growth
The weather has been driving me insane...nighttime temps 9, 10, 11 celsius. Cool, cloudy, rainy days, even when the temps get up into the 20's. Poor peppers! They deserve so much better.
Damn mine are trying soooo hard but i`m pulling the pods.2 to 3 ft tall and loaded now but.....I`ve wondered if the ground temp was still too low.Good luck to all and hope the best for you.dare I say "global warming my ass!"
At first I thought you were going to say to hot....

We've had 3 weeks of 95 F + here and I mean hot. Hotter than last year. I've been moving plants into shady areas to mitigate. Our temps have been hotter than average for this time of the year and my peppers have shut down pod set.

I'm waiting on the fall flush but am picking pods that are ripening. But new pod formation is very slow......
Global Warming doesnt mean warming in all places, it can mean cooling in others.

Dont take the wording too seriously, actually look it up, you might get more information that way :)
Yep, that's why people who study 'global warming' get upset when others call it that. They prefer 'Climate Change' because global warming implies that it's getting hotter when in reality the weather is going all coo-coo banana's.

FWI "coo-coo banana's" IS a scientific term.
28 out of 35 days its rained in CT with some sun a day and half of 80's+ F and thundershowers the plants I have in pots are doing well its the ones in the ground that are slow -- but holy crap here comes the yellow squash -- time to make friends in The Village