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Anyone can their hot sauce?

I know it isn't necessary if the pH is low enough. I can't ferment because I lack the free fridge space, and was wondering if I were to can the hot sauce if it would last longer and that the flavors could blend better?
I know it isn't necessary if the pH is low enough. I can't ferment because I lack the free fridge space, and was wondering if I were to can the hot sauce if it would last longer and that the flavors could blend better?
You sure can, can your sauce. I make a Datil pepper sauce which I can either pints or half pints. It does get better with time. I canned 36 pints this summer and have enough peppers for another run. Here's a tip, puree your peppers and freeze in airtight containers, then put into your sauce recipe and cook.
You sure can, can your sauce. I make a Datil pepper sauce which I can either pints or half pints. It does get better with time. I canned 36 pints this summer and have enough peppers for another run. Here's a tip, puree your peppers and freeze in airtight containers, then put into your sauce recipe and cook.


and :welcome: from PA