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Anyone Else Growing the Goat Pepper from the Bahamas?

This variety has really surprised me in a good way. I have a couple of plants going of it. I posted a picture of pods from plant #1. I was looking at my second plant and the pods are just plain wicked looking. They are bonnet shaped with tails and large and look every bit as dangerous as 7 Pots / Trinidad Scorpions. It's like their saying you don't want none of me. lol. I'd like to see pods from other posters who have grown or are currently growing this variety. A member supplied the seed to many here. I have not seen him post in a quite a while.

I got seeds late in the season from Junglerain when he put up his big list of 500. My plant is about 1.5 feet tall right now. I dont expect pods for awhile though. I've heard the heat is pretty good. I sent Leslie some Fatalii seeds last year but he never sent me the Goat Pepper. Early this year a coworker went to the Bahamas on vacation but did not come back with any for me even though I requested. Like his marriage proposal was more important! Finally JR comes thru for me.

Here's some pods of the ones I have;



These are in my top ten "most looking forward to growing next season". The superhots are a must for me, but for the rest of the family and friends I am looking for some nice medium hot fresh salsa peppers. This goat pepper (peach) along with Avenir, Safi and Murupi (red), St. Bart’s and SB TFM (yellow) and 4 Chocolate Habanero varieties. I hope to pick a favorite or two of each color. I am also curios to know if the Goat pepper tastes similar to a scotch bonnet or habanero or if it has a totally unique flavor.
My love for TRUE scotch bonnet and the possible connections to Goat peppers raised in this thread peaked my curiousity and sent me on another of my classic "Find everything you can on [fill in blank]" searches. I ran across this intertaining article with some really interesting recipes at the end. Hope the OP doesn't mind me sharing:

"Whats up with Goat Peppers?": http://www.fiery-foods.com/chiles-around-the-world/76-caribbean/1911-bahamas-whats-up-with-goat-peppers