recipe-help Anyone got a good soup recipe?

I'm in need of a tasty soup recipe.. i've been a bit sick last couple days which has now resulted in pharyingitis and am now losing my voice.. its not fun.

I need to cook up some soup.. I do have a recipe for spicy chicken and corn soup, but thought id see if you guys have any ideas :)

Dont like the stuff out of a can so its gotta be from scratch!

Sorry to hear you're under the weather, Mel.

What flavor are you looking for? Chicken noodle? (lol) Spicy beef? White bean and ham? Probably not a cream soup...

I'm thinking of one I have that's a spicy Portugese soup with kale, veggies and spicy sausage like andoille (sic... and too lazy to look it up right now.) I can post it if you want. Or tell us what you're hankering for.
anything that will stop my throat from closing up when i try to swallow! i need to stay away from creamy stuff... i'm going to do chicken and sweet corn tonight but will need any others for the rest of the week..

i've been googling but havent found much..

silly question but what is kale?
Portuguese Soup-

1/3c olive oil
3/4c chopped onion
3 cloves garlic
2c diced potato (or turnip for a low carb version)
2c diced cauliflower
1 pound kale or swiss chard, rinsed, cut out stem if desired
1 1/2 pound smoked sausage
1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes
2 quarts chicken broth
1/4 tsp Hot Sauce (this recipe is for wimps, I'd add at least 1/2-3/4 tsp!)
salt and pepper

In a large stock pot, saute onion, garlic, cauliflower (and turnips if using, otherwise add spuds later) in olive oil

Chop kale into small bite-size pieces, add to stock pot. Cram it in if you have too, it'll cook down. Saute for another 10 minutes, stir occasionally.

Slice sausage long-ways and cross-ways into bite size pieces. Brown the sausage a little in another skillet, use a little olive oil if necessary.

Add sausage, potatoes, tomatoes, and chicken broth to the stock pot. Use a little broth to get all the tasty brown bits out of the sausage pan if necessary. Bring to simmer and cook until veggies are soft, 30-45 minutes.

Add hot sauce, salt and pepper to taste as needed (be careful with the salt as the sausage will put a lot of salt in the soup).

Yield- 10 servings this is a good freezer soup

Hope you feel better soon!
Tom Yum, Hot and Sour or a spicy tomato soup might do the trick. Sorry I don't have any specific recipe.

Feel better soon, like right now!
thanks Pi - i actually got a tom yum recipe from one of the places we ate at in thailand.. its really good... when i can pick up some fresh seafood i'll give it a go :)
The best soup to me is a basic chicken soup where you cook the entire (small) chicken in a giant stock pot. Fill with water to cover the chicken plus about 2 inches. Add S&P, a bit of garlic, some fresh sage, big pieces of celery, carrot, and onion (big, so they're easy to discard later). Cook on medium till the meat is really tender and falling off the bones. Strain and save the stock, pull all the meat, and set aside. Re-heat the stock and re-season. Add sliced carrot, chopped celery, and sliced onion. (big, hearty pieces!) Cover and simmer for 40-60 minutes. Re-add the chicken ad bring back to a simmer. Taste and re-season. Add either pasta, egg noodles, or rice (whichever you prefer) and cook till done.

Can't get much better than that. ;)
thanks paulie.. i did a chicken and corn soup tonight.. tomorrow may be chicken and veg :D thanks again :)
How about French onion soup made with some Guinness.

Ancho chili powder if you have.
1/4cup (1/2 stick) butter
3 large yellow onions, sliced
1 cup dry white wine (SUBSTITUTE GUINNESS)
3 cans (14-1/2 ounces each) beef or chicken broth
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
4 slices French bread, toasted
1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Swiss cheese (Gruyère)
Fresh thyme for garnish

1.Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat. Add onions, cook and stir 15 minutes or until onions are soft and lightly browned. Stir in wine.
2.Combine onion mixture, broth, Worcestershire sauce, salt and thyme in slow cooker. Cover; cook on LOW 4 to 4-1/2 hours.
3.Ladle soup into 4 oven safe bowls; top with bread slice and cheese. Garnish with fresh thyme, if desired.
4. Put under broiler until cheese melts and just begins to brown, remove.

RED Added by THP
Paul I agree with you 100% on the chicken soup. Except, instead of boiling the chicken with the veggies, I would stuff it with them and roast it. Then sautee your veggies in the pot and add the chicken and all the roasted yum yums to the broth. Nothing better than roasted chicken yum yums.
Speaking of yum, try Tom Yum soup, with chicken. One of the best soups ever. (Thai)
thanks for the ideas everyone :) THP that french onion soup looks divine - i'll give that one a go when i'm better as i cant have any dairy atm and somehow i dont think it will be quite the same without the cheesy goodness :)

if i can get my hands on some lime leaves i'll do a chicken tom yum tonight otherwise it'll be the roasted chicken and veg soup :)
The best soup to me is a basic chicken soup where you cook the entire (small) chicken in a giant stock pot. Fill with water to cover the chicken plus about 2 inches. Add S&P, a bit of garlic, some fresh sage, big pieces of celery, carrot, and onion (big, so they're easy to discard later). Cook on medium till the meat is really tender and falling off the bones. Strain and save the stock, pull all the meat, and set aside. Re-heat the stock and re-season. Add sliced carrot, chopped celery, and sliced onion. (big, hearty pieces!) Cover and simmer for 40-60 minutes. Re-add the chicken ad bring back to a simmer. Taste and re-season. Add either pasta, egg noodles, or rice (whichever you prefer) and cook till done.

Can't get much better than that. :lol:

That's almost exactly what I made last night for the first time
ever, with the exception of adding more carrot, celery and onion
after pulling the chicken. Also, I had minced the carrot and
celery and left them in, adding body to the soup. I used an en-
tire head of garlic, unpeeled, and removed them after pulling the
chicken. They were squeezed out and mashed into a paste which was
added back in with about 10 fresh peeled cloves of garlic that were
browned in four Tbsp of butter. Also, I had studded the onion with
two cloves (Cloves cloves, not garlic cloves). We put this over rice
we had prepared in the microwave but cooking the rice / pasta in
the broth itself sounds delicious.

How would one go about making this soup spicy? I added habanero
flakes afterwords but I'm going to make this dish again today as
we ate well over half of it last night and want to add heat while

Should I add diced chilies with the other veggies? Whole dried
chilies half-way through the cooking process?
Ah, nearly forgot about the Pics Or It Didn't Happen




This was incredibly wonderful and I will be making homemade
stock in the future. I cannot wait to make an Italian Wedding
Soup with homemade meatballs and homemade stock!