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container-growing Anyone growing cayenne in containers?

they are kinda weird lookin'...

ty...the goldens are pretty good but I think I had rather have the super cayenne II hybrids....mass producers of 6-7 inch long pods about the size of a number 2 pencil...

Yea those super cayenne ll hybrids are something I would really like to try!!!

Those cayenne ll hybrids plants have so many pods!!!!!!!! That is just amazing how many peppers and flowers are on those plants.
Hey lookin good.

Here is a top view of one of the bushes.


I may get about 1000 cayenne this year from the few bushes I have :party:

I'm growing golden cayenne, among other things in cat litter buckets, it was producing like a champ until whatever bugs I have started really doing a number on my plants. The stalks on it are all chewed down and it has stopped producing.

The other peppers in the pic are jalapeno, serrano and cajun belle.
Oh yes you can grow cayennes in containers.... I have some growing right now! lol.... They are just getting started, but have already put on a bunch.


These are some 'Low Growing Cayenne' I saved seeds from a few years ago.