Anyone Growing Pimient de Espellette Peppers?

Hi all,

I'm going to grow Pimient de Espellette peppers and I was wondering if anyone else has grown this variety? If so, what dishes did you use this pepper for? I see that it is commonly used as a powder for spicing up dishes.

Also, I couldn't tell from the images I've seen, but how large do these chillies get? Are there any tips for growing this pepper successfully?

Thanks for any replies!
I too am interested in this pepper, so I'll be following this. Haven't got any seeds yet though, but I will try to get some for next year.

They're not very hot at all, but they have great flavour. Dried espelette flakes are a favourite seasoning of Geert Van Hecke of the 3* restaurant De Karmeliet, in Bruges.

It's also an AOP so you can't really sell/distribute products as espelette if they come from outside the protected region (10 French Communals only: Aïnhoa, Cambo-les-Bains, Espelette, Halsou, Jatxou, Itxassou, Larressore, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, Souraïde et Ustaritz). They hold an Espelette Chilli festival in Espelette the last weekend of October.

Official site of the AOC denomination in french: (not very useful, but it does contain some recipes)
I've grown the Piment d'espelette for several years. They are like France's version of Paprika but they are great fresh, roasted, or dried. Seeds are available at chiliseeds, but I really hate how they over-hype everything they sell lately:(

Here's a pic from early summer 2009
Thanks for the link my_key and thanks for the picture potawie! That's a beautiful plant. Does this pepper ultimately become red?

I'm excited to be growing this variety and just ordered seeds from New Mexico's Chili Pepper Institute. Can't wait to post my own pictures!
I grew a couple(indoors) and mine looked an awful lot like Red Fresnos, with the same kind of heat as RF. I bought the seeds from last year. I'm very disappointed.
I'm growing a variety from Simpson's Seeds (in the UK) called Gorria that I assume is the same, mentioned here;

I'm interested to see if yours turn out similar.