Anyone growing the Brown Bhutlah SLP?

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone is growing the Brown Bhutlah SLP? and what do you think of it?
I tried a bit of a search and didnt find much.
I put in an order with Semillas for a few varieties of super hots. (HP22B, Douglah, Brainstrain, Primo, Barrakpore, 7 pot white, 7pot SR strain and the Brown Bhutlah SLP)
Im really looking forward to growing some brown(and white) pods for the first time, and am intrigued by the brown bhutlah!
Anyone growing it? 
I am. So far two plants have podded up out of the three, one just showing color this week. The other is putting out much different shaped pods in its infancy. Both have pods that are pale green.
Here is the one coloring up from two days ago. It took much more of a red tone today. Was to dark to get a picture when I got home. Not sure what color it will end up. Nice texture on this one too.

Will try to get a recent shot in the morning.
I Have plants from them growing now, Still small as my seedlings got stunted from bunk cells.(paper cells didnt allow moisture). Wierdly enough one of my brown butlahs leaves are like black or purple. Ill post pics next week,
that's looking like a really nice pod there GA Growhead!  :dance:
@kgetpeppers,ooo sounds interesting, am very interested to see pics!
Sadly it will be probably be 6 months untill I could hope for pods, its just coming into winter now over here. Tonight is forecast to get to 7deg C (44 deg F), but that's not going to stop me! :)
I have a new heat panel to germinate on, and intend to sprout them, baby them over winter, and have an awesome head start come spring.
Am interested in developments/to know more!
cheers guys
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Did ya'll get the seeds from Peter ?
Yep. Peter's version. Keeping the "SLP" to notate that is not black op's real dealdeal... as seen on TV. Still a neat bhut /douglah cross though.

Here is the same pod today. Barely got home before dark, so light with minimal. Can see the color change though.

And plant two here.
nzchili said:
Nice looking pod! Have you tasted it yet?
I did. Taste was more brown. A hint of bitterness. Definitely leaned toward the douglah side. No real red bhut taste, somewhat choc bhut tasting though. Heat was up there but not a record breaker yet, may power up as it gets hotter here.
GA Growhead said:
I did. Taste was more brown. A hint of bitterness. Definitely leaned toward the douglah side. No real red bhut taste, somewhat choc bhut tasting though. Heat was up there but not a record breaker yet, may power up as it gets hotter here.
sounds interesting! 3 of 3 seeds i planted have now sprouted, happy with that :)  so hopefully I can try some of these myself in a few months time
just bought seeds for the Brown Bhutlah SLP, the Red Bhutlah SLP, and a few others from semillas! cant wait for the seeds to get here so i can start them for my winter grow, it would be cool to have a community glog for it
i put 1 seed in a baggie with a towel in water about a week ago....nothing yet.. but we will see.  Anyone have germinating tips?  
Emald001 said:
i put 1 seed in a baggie with a towel in water about a week ago....nothing yet.. but we will see.  Anyone have germinating tips?
yeah em, make sure the towel isnt soaking wet just damp, itll make the seed rot, and try and put the bag in a warm place if not it can take like a month to germ ive had it happen to me before
Emald001 said:
i put 1 seed in a baggie with a towel in water about a week ago....nothing yet.. but we will see.  Anyone have germinating tips?  
[SIZE=10.5pt]Mine germed just fine[/SIZE] (100%). I just soaked my seeds in a shot glass of water overnight, then planted them into jiffy peat pellets.
[SIZE=10.5pt]I then put them into a plastic container with a lid, on top of my hot water cylinder. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Funny thing is, I bought a heat mat, but get WAY better germ rate with the hot water cylinder. [/SIZE]
I got some "Brown Butlah" in a seed trade but don't know the version. A few are growing but remain on the small side. In fact, most of my chocolates and/or browns seems to be growing much slower than the herd. Not sure why but most of my super duper hots trend this way.
Its been about 5 months since I started this thread, just wanted to follow up and post an update on my Brown Bhutlah's.
The first plant out of 3 has set its first pods, I have high hopes for this plant..Its set multiple pods at the first node, which for me at least is unusual. (maybe im just getting better at growing)
here it is about a week or so ago after I re-potted it..

and heres how its first pod is looking so far;

The other two are probably a couple of weeks behind the biggest one
hello everyone, i figured id update this thread again with my observations and some pics of how my brown bhutlah (SLP) plants have turned out
so this is the plant pictured in the above pic...this is pheno#1 and is more bhut like than douglah like. The plant is very vigorous and productive. Pods ripen to a dark maroon colour.
Heat...well its not THAT hot. Its not as hot as my 7pots, or the second brown bhut pheno that's coming up.  Its a good dry, savory burn though. Will be good for stir frys and some other cooking I think.

This is the second pheno..this plant leans much more towards the douglah side. 

and this pod is bigger then a golf ball

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Ok so Pheno #2 is not as [/SIZE][SIZE=13.63636302948px]vigorous...but [/SIZE]Its damn hot! I have cramps in my stomach as i write this.
This is the first pod of the season off the plant so is quite small. Later ones will be larger & probably hotter im sure.
The burn takes a long time to really kick in. At first i didnt think it was very hot..but give it a minute or two and its kind of like licking a red hot cheese grater.
Taste? im not sure, tasted like weak chinense I guess... then delayed HEAT.
I will probably continue with both pheno's genetics..both seem pretty good in their own way.
