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Anyone grown tobacco before??

Greetings everyone.

Has anyone grown tobacco before?? If so, has anyone got any advice or "secret" methods??

I'm sick of paying soo much $$$ for tobacco and am becoming increasingly paranoid at what the bastards at tobacco companies put in their products, other than tobacco!!

The obvious solution would be to give up......... but nah that aint going to happen anytime soon so I figured I might as well grow some.
There's a few threads on it, IGG has I know.
It's a bit of long process, but ya, i hear ya on the prices.

WA added a state tax hit on top of the nat'l one... a 2,200% increase on RYO tobacco..WTF!?

My $15 tin now costs nearly $40....insane.
QuadShotz said:
There's a few threads on it, IGG has I know.
It's a bit of long process, but ya, i hear ya on the prices.

WA added a state tax hit on top of the nat'l one... a 2,200% increase on RYO tobacco..WTF!?

My $15 tin now costs nearly $40....insane.

Jesus Quadz, a $15.00 is bad enough, but $40? What do you smoke man? I smoke either American Spirit or Bali Shag, depending on my financial situation. In North Carolina (read Tobacco Road) Bali Shag goes for around 10-bucks a can, and American Spirit 12-13. For 40 dollars a can, you might as well smoke the Reefer!

Wait... If they make that shit legal, Imma smoke it for 40.00 a can!
FiveStar said:
Jesus Quadz, a $15.00 is bad enough, but $40? What do you smoke man? I smoke either American Spirit or Bali Shag, depending on my financial situation. In North Carolina (read Tobacco Road) Bali Shag goes for around 10-bucks a can, and American Spirit 12-13. For 40 dollars a can, you might as well smoke the Reefer!

Lucky, ya live in one of the cheapest smokin' states since it's a major crop there.

Here, BEFORE the recent tax increases, Bali Shag was around $17 a 6oz tin here. Ya don't wanan know what it is now...

That $15 stuff I spoke of was the Top/Bugler/Premier type stuff taht is now 31.00 + tax and up now.

This month, I spent over $30 for a 6oz bag of Golden Harvest Natural...it's insane.

Yet, pack smokes only went up about a buck or so...it's a BS conspiracy IMHO.

Read this: http://www.ryomagazine.com/weekupdate/

Tubes, papers, everything went up.

Oh, and WA state decided to up it's taxs on it..AT THE SAME TIME.
A state senator who sponsored it actually said he thought it'd help reduce the number of smokers. Funny though..isn't it STILL LEGAL??

And, the MSA payments are a huge part of the state's budget whether there are smokers here or not..funny that too since they already banned smoking in or within 25 feet of any workplace. Bars included unless they have designated outdoor areas.

You know how they made pot illegal in the US?


They made a law saying you couldn't sell it without a tax stamp...then they never issued any.

A nice loophole making it illegal by proxy.

Sounds like what's happening here.

I need to move...
I nearly moved to AU in 1999, now kinda wishing I had eh?
Prob is, I'm on disability here, IDK what would happen if I moved.

I'd have fun with the chiles, but without cash it'd be moot.

I know AU immigration laws failr well. Even as a Commonwealth citizen, I'd need an AU spouse, job, or other valid reason + income over a certain rate to qualify.

I'd nearly be better off going back to Canada, even I only knew it as a baby. At least I'm a citizen there. Oh wait, it's MORE expensive there, there's a Broadband Monopoly w/ Rodgers, and lots of other sucky bits.
Oh hell dont get me started. The federal tax went into effect on April 1. A 6oz bag was 19 and is now 40 plus Illinois raised and is raising again. Then yesterday I saw on the internet how some growers are deciding to not even plant this year because the producers are already ordering less, down about 10% I think. My thought was to band together and have a bunch of us get a grower to plant just for us, then I will go pick it up and somehow process it. Those rat bastards, I cant believe the outragious nerve of them. At least there is the possibility of growing your own, I could never figure out how to make my own tequilla and if they tax that to death I am done for.
tomtomnz said:
Greetings everyone.

Has anyone grown tobacco before?? If so, has anyone got any advice or "secret" methods??

I'm sick of paying soo much $$$ for tobacco and am becoming increasingly paranoid at what the bastards at tobacco companies put in their products, other than tobacco!!

The obvious solution would be to give up......... but nah that aint going to happen anytime soon so I figured I might as well grow some.

I've grown a few plants in my life - one year we raised 17 acres.

But I wouldn't waste my time growing my own. The smokes you get are 1) blended, meaning different types of tobacco are mixed and 2) aged - for about seven years.

I've seen a guy who rolled his own cigar smoke it and he said it was extremely harsh. But a good stalk will go a long way - about 200 cigarettes.

QuadShotz said:
Oh yeah, I forgot...WA is also trying to get legislation passed to outlaw buying cigarettes from out of state over the internet. They also are going after Reservations in the same way.

They figure it's tax evasion...greedy MF's.

Check this: http://www.smokersclubinc.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4133

Quite a few online retailers have either cut way back, or quit altogether because they can't afford the new taxes.

I have trouble seeing that one fly in the long run. Interstate commerce is protected by the constitution.
Riiight. The Constitution is basically TP for Corporations and the Politicions they Bought nowdays.

If WA state wanted, it could raise cig taxes so high it'd be effectivly prohibitive.

Since smoking is now an anathma in US, who'd argue?
smoking certinally is an expensive "habbit" isn't it!? over here in NZ 30grams of rolling tobacco costs around $20.. and a pack of 20 tailor mades costs around $13.... I'm not sure how that works out money wise in other parts of the world but yeah..

wordwiz - yeah I have heard that home grow baccy is very harsh, so I will probably blend it half and half with some brought stuff. Cheers for your input buddy.

I have a stick (one spears the plants about a foot from the bottom and places it on a piece of wood that is about 1" square - or round - and hangs it where it can dry. It's been hanging in my barn for a couple of years. There are probably six or seven stalks on it, perhaps a pound of dried leaves if the stems are included. Some evening when I get drunk enough, I may have to crush it up, roll a joint and see what it is like.

My plants are burley, so I don't have anything to blend them with. At least they have gone through the freeze/thaw cycle a few times.

BTW, to work with the leaves you have to wait for it to come "in case," which means there is enough moisture in the air so you can handle the plant without it falling apart. Pluck the leaves from the stalk (it's called stripping tobacco) and then allow them to dry out.

Burley has three types of leaves - Trash, which is the very bottom leaves that are rather ragged, Lugs - the middle leaves that are quite large but not real thick, and Red or Tips - very thick leaves at the top of the plant.Usually, the red fetched the most money per pound, though just a cent or two more than lugs. The USDA actually used to grade the leaves and guarantee that tobacco would receive a guaranteed price based on its grade. Tobacco companies could pay more. Auctioneers use to sell piles of tobacco at a rate of about 50 piles per minute. I use to work at the warehouses where it was sold and sometimes my jog was to hand the ticket to the guy who wrote down the price and buyer. Quite hectic!

It brings back fond memories. The auctioneer knew how much tobacco each company wanted in terms of percentage. Imagine about seven companies wanting from three to 25 percent of the goods and having to apportion it, especially since they all had the same top price they would pay.

Geez, I could write a book about just selling tobacco but that would make AJ's posts seem terse!!!

QuadShotz said:
Riiight. The Constitution is basically TP for Corporations and the Politicions they Bought nowdays.

If WA state wanted, it could raise cig taxes so high it'd be effectivly prohibitive.

Since smoking is now an anathma in US, who'd argue?

Sure they could raise taxes on stuff sold in the state, but there's not a snowball's chance they could make a tax on tobacco purchased in another state. It wouldn't even make it long enough to hit the 5 o'clock news.

It's unfortunate smokers have become the modern leper. Personally, i'm glad the prevalence of smoking is down. Smelling others' smoke at dinner, in a hotel, playing pool, whatever is generally annoying. Visitors don't eye around for the ashtray before they ask if they can smoke inside. It doesn't take an extra 10 minutes to get anywhere because someone in the car has to smoke one before they get in and smoke one as soon as they get out. But they still let people listen publicly to that gawdawful country music and that hip-hop crap, and worse the bluegrass hip-hop fusion shite, which is far, far more annoying to me than all of the stale cigarette smoke at a state fair. Maybe you shouldn't count your cause lost yet.
What about this one?


Title: To amend title 39, United States Code, to make cigarettes and certain other tobacco products nonmailable, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep McHugh, John M. [NY-23] (introduced 3/9/2009) Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 3/9/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

This is the rub:


(a) In General- Chapter 30 of title 39, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 3002a the following:

`Sec. 3002b. Nonmailability of certain tobacco products

`(a) In General- Except as provided in subsections (g) and (h), cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and roll-your-own-tobacco--

`(1) are nonmailable matter;

`(2) shall not be--

`(A) deposited in the mails; or

`(B) carried or delivered through the mails; and

`(3) shall be disposed of as the Postal Service directs.

`(b) Civil Penalty-

`(1) IN GENERAL- Any person who violates subsection (a)(2)(A) shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for each violation.

FedEX/UPS already refuse to knowingly mail tobacco products, if they get USPS as well, guess what? You're screwed.

Oh, and NY is going after the Indian Nations for selling cigarettes to non-natives and wanting their tax dollars for those sales. In fact many other states are doing or planning that too...including mine.

BTW, here's a link to a "grow your own" sub-forum on SmokersClubInt'l.
1. That's not a tax.
2. That's not from Washington state.
3. Subsection (h) specifically allows noncommercial shipping of tobacco between individuals up to 10 oz.
4. The bill appears to be in committee for an indefinite period of time. Try writing the committee members.
5. I agree your plight sucks.
6. I agree it's pretty lametarded to legislate social policy.
Well, to answer the questions, yes, I've grown tobacco. My best advice is give it good soil, watch out they grow huge, and age them at least 6 months before smoking (while aging the leaves pic up whatever scents are around so don't do it in the garadge next to the gas can).