seeds-germination Anyone having seeds sprouting super fast?

Between peppers and tomatoes started on 3/16 it took 6 days for the first ones to stick out their noses, now it's a daily thing to find 15-30 more peppers ready to move to bigger pots. I keep planting more..oops. Now have only 60 different kinds in process, no idea where they will all go but think I'll find lucky relatives to let me raise peppers in their yards.

You all were right this is becoming an obsession...did I say that?
You sound just like me :lol: This is my first year planting and i couldn't stop either, and I have no idea where I'm going to put them all. I have plans of building some raised beds, which should take care for the majority. The others I'm thinking of using containers. I'm just glad I have a deep freezer...LOL

When they say this is addicting. It should have been shouted instead. My seed list for next year is about twice as long and I'm starting renovations in my basement for a large grow room. Heck at this rate, I might have to move in a few years and build a green house. LOL *twitching* LOL I don't know when enough will be enough...

But seriously...sounds as if your having as much fun as I am. AND I can't wait for the harvest...
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
saying in my Yoda voice..."control control you must learn control" :lol:

Fast? I had a Jalapeño seed sprout within 7 hours!

Well actually no, that's a lie. it was a Habanero, and it took a week. :oops:
I've had 2 Bishop Crown's germinate overnight :) I also had some fatalii germinated after 3 days and a bunch of habs in 4. On the opposite side of speed, I have Bhut Jolokia's that took 15 days to germinate..

Good luck with your growing pepperfever!
For Bhut Jolokias planted in jiffy pellets all came up in 7-9 days. I also planted some Bhuts in a cactus soil mix back in the end of January and a couple weeks ago transplanted them into 20oz. cups...last week one popped up. Guess that was 7 weeks! I had planted 2 seeds per cup, and only one had come up.