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Anyone here really versed on dyslexia?

Many of you have noticed my horrible spelling and mixing up of words and some of you have accepted my excuse for it; dyslexia. Over the years I’ve really started to notice it more and more. At first it was trouble with mathematics, then it developed into mathematics and spelling. It kind of held off there for a long time but in the past two or five years it’s developed way beyond that.

It’s now to the point where words in common phrases are switched around when I speak. When I copy down a string of numbers one or two of them will be transposed. This is happening more and more frequently. Does anyone know if dyslexia can actually increase?
Did you use spell check on that ^^ IGGY? I only ask because there doesn't seem to be any mistakes.
What do you mean by "one or two will be transposed"?

I really don't know if dyslexia can increase but if i had to guess i would say yes it's possible.
Just as you say that sometimes it can hold off i would guess that it could increase. Do you do any mental exercises to help with the condition?
Mistakes and symptoms increase dramatically with confusion, time pressure, emotional stress, or poor health

Novacastrian said:
Did you use spell check on that ^^ IGGY?
Ya, I typed that first post in word and spell checked it.

Novacastrian said:
What do you mean by "one or two will be transposed"?
Say I have to write out the numbers 234567. I'll write out 243576.

Novacastrian said:
Do you do any mental exercises to help with the condition?
No, but I used to do that with my ADHD.
imaguitargod said:
No, but I used to do that with my ADHD.

Can you think back and recall if there was any correlation between you stopping your adhd excercises and an increase in the symptoms of your dyslexia?

I would suggest (albiet my opinion only) that there could also be a link between your consumption of anything that could confuse yourself, THC, Alcohol and god knows what else you put into your body has the ability to confuse your brain and henceforce increase the symptoms also.

Have you been put under any undue/abnormal stress lately?

I aint a doctor so anything that i say can be taken with a grain of salt.
Novacastrian said:
Can you think back and recall if there was any correlation between you stopping your adhd excercises and an increase in the symptoms of your dyslexia?

I would suggest (albiet my opinion only) that there could also be a link between your consumption of anything that could confuse yourself, THC, Alcohol and god knows what else you put into your body has the ability to confuse your brain and henceforce increase the symptoms also.

Have you been put under any undue/abnormal stress lately?
I think the symptoms really stated becoming more pronounced over time but hit a "breaking" point and went overboard when I stoped taking my ADHD medication (which was the best thing I could ever do for myself). No undue stress (just the usual BS of life). I only did ADHD exercises briefly, so that's not it.

My consumption of TCh and other hallucinagins has actually drastically dropped in the past 2 years so that's not it. My beer consump[tion has dropped a little as well in that time.

Novacastrian said:
I aint a doctor so anything that i say can be taken with a grain of salt.

I don't take anything with a grain of salt because I can' tstand salt.
from what i understand IGG its about the filing & recall setup in your brain. As you get older you'll rely more heavily on this (by way of lack of new learning) so it appears more predominant.
Crosswords (normal & cryptic) and other memory type puzzles will help a lot in 'training' your brain into better filing and recall processes.

Just my $0:02 as there is a lot of fields of thought on the causes & consequences and barely any real study done for adult dyslexia

Dyslexia [noun] [Greek dus- not + lexis word]
bentalphanerd said:
from what i understand IGG its about the filing & recall setup in your brain. As you get older you'll rely more heavily on this (by way of lack of new learning) so it appears more predominant.
Crosswords (normal & cryptic) and other memory type puzzles will help a lot in 'training' your brain into better filing and recall processes.

Just my $0:02 as there is a lot of fields of thought on the causes & consequences and barely any real study done for adult dyslexia

Dyslexia [noun] [Greek dus- not + lexis word]

Always knew I had a filing problem, I'm so unorginized :lol:
I have a very mild form of it, so mild my parents & I were told not to worry about it because I constantly caught & corrected myself. It's like when I'm focusing on a sentence or string of words/numbers and I'll switch a few, but when I get past them I'll see them correctly, like in my perifial vision. If that makes sense.

From what I understand of it, the best "treatment" is practice, but that's the same for any adults who notice their mental skills starting to slip. Like when I first pick up a book after not reading for a month, the first few chapters take forever because I'm re-reading each sentence, but if I read every day, by the end of the book it's a lot faster & easier.

Hope that helps a bit.

Oh... and spelling, sometimes it's just a natural talent to fail at spelling, my grandmother & brother are horrible at it. No dyslexia there.
...and typing can tough for me sometimes because my brain & fingers "argue" over where the keys are, especially if I go too fast. I've been on the net for 15 years and haven't improved! LOL!
imaguitargod said:
My beer consump[tion has dropped a little as well in that time.

That's your problem; brain cells overheat w/o lubrication. :)

If you're really worried about it see a trained professional.

Sometimes just focusing on something makes it worse.
Poisonette said:
I have a very mild form of it, so mild my parents & I were told not to worry about it because I constantly caught & corrected myself. It's like when I'm focusing on a sentence or string of words/numbers and I'll switch a few, but when I get past them I'll see them correctly, like in my perifial vision. If that makes sense.

From what I understand of it, the best "treatment" is practice, but that's the same for any adults who notice their mental skills starting to slip. Like when I first pick up a book after not reading for a month, the first few chapters take forever because I'm re-reading each sentence, but if I read every day, by the end of the book it's a lot faster & easier.

Hope that helps a bit.

Oh... and spelling, sometimes it's just a natural talent to fail at spelling, my grandmother & brother are horrible at it. No dyslexia there.
...and typing can tough for me sometimes because my brain & fingers "argue" over where the keys are, especially if I go too fast. I've been on the net for 15 years and haven't improved! LOL!
Well, it seems the common advice is brain excersises and to see a "professional". I'm going to wait until the last minute for the profesionally because I think this will get expensive.

Silver_Surfer said:
That's your problem; brain cells overheat w/o lubrication. :)
LOL! Well, that's it, I need more brain lube! To the bar!
IGG, in all seriousness I have friends with ADHD, Dyslexia, and or both. Most if not all of them seem to feel that THC helps rather than hinders both conditions.

With the ADHD friends, they feel that the THC helps them concentrate, where it can often "help" those of us without the condition to concentrate on one thing for so long we forget what else is going on and become obsessively engrossed in it. Anyone who's been a smot poker for any length of time must have experienced this. With my friends with ADHD, a few tokes works wonders.

Same thing with the dyslexia, though I can't rationalize how this works. My one guess at the mechanism comes from my girlfriend's brother who claims that it slows down his thoughts enough to allow him to put things in order the right way. It's almost as if there is some ADHDish tendencies in his higher thought processing that keep him from putting things in order before moving on to the next though, word, task, whatever.

Anyhow, don't know if that helps, and if THC doesn't personally help you then please disregard this bit of secondhand info. But as far as substances causing or exacerbating the effects of your dyslexia, I'm sure it's possible but my experiences have shown me otherwise.

Hope you get this all sorted out as best you can, most of us here are used to your whoring ways, and dont mind a few phuked up werds every now and then!

I seem to becoming a lysdexic typer. I have no problems with speach or writting, but I'm noticing that I type a lot of words with letter switched around and its getting worse:( Maybe I just need a bong hit:)
FiveStar said:
IGG, in all seriousness I have friends with ADHD, Dyslexia, and or both. Most if not all of them seem to feel that THC helps rather than hinders both conditions.

With the ADHD friends, they feel that the THC helps them concentrate, where it can often "help" those of us without the condition to concentrate on one thing for so long we forget what else is going on and become obsessively engrossed in it. Anyone who's been a smot poker for any length of time must have experienced this. With my friends with ADHD, a few tokes works wonders.

Same thing with the dyslexia, though I can't rationalize how this works. My one guess at the mechanism comes from my girlfriend's brother who claims that it slows down his thoughts enough to allow him to put things in order the right way. It's almost as if there is some ADHDish tendencies in his higher thought processing that keep him from putting things in order before moving on to the next though, word, task, whatever.

Anyhow, don't know if that helps, and if THC doesn't personally help you then please disregard this bit of secondhand info. But as far as substances causing or exacerbating the effects of your dyslexia, I'm sure it's possible but my experiences have shown me otherwise.

Hope you get this all sorted out as best you can, most of us here are used to your whoring ways, and dont mind a few phuked up werds every now and then!


Yep, been there. I've used it to tread ADHD many a times. When I decided that my ADHD meds were doing more harm than good, I cut cold turkey which exhaserbated my symptoms. I took a hit or two of pot occasionally through the day and it kept it all in check.

It actually helped (like you said) to slow me down just enough where I wasn't going at a million miles an hour, just five hundred thousand miles an hour.
Silver_Surfer said:
Well, there ya go Iggy; poke some smot and brink some deer and ur troubles are over. :P

funny thing is I just read your post normally!! LOL... beer it does a body good!! :lol: