Pam said:
You seem a bit overwrought. May I could suggest a hit of vodka or two and an evening on the veranda to ease your tension? Perhaps, if you're feeling a bit less pugnacious afterwards, we could have a less accusatory discussion in another thread on your concerns over my personal choices.
pam - it seems like you're the one thats a little distraught here about that thread(topic), not me. I'm not offended by it (since I knew they were joking) BUT non the less I know in other places of the world people eat dog, I accept the fact that they do, but you dont want to accept this fact of life.
heck I'm sure the aussie's eat somethings we americans in general would not eat, since theres some aussie's here what do you eat that might be considered gross to us americans ?
I wasnt even worked up when I wrote that. is that how you take care of your tensions & issues that are bothering you in life ?
I wasnt being belligerent, those were some simple questions I asked you, but instead you took offence to it, it might mean you have some underlying issues eating away at your soul.
I havent accused you of nothing I asked some simple questions, which then you went on the offensive, I guess getting drunk & watching the stars dont work the greatest for you (to calm your nerves)
I thought these were legitimate questions since you were so distraught over that thread.
I mean IF you do tests on animals why would a pic of a dog thats been cooked for food bother you so much ?
I'll leave this subject alone now, since I dont want to hijack the thread.1 last thing, I think you should try your own remedy again since it sounds like its overdue