Anyone know what this is?

habman said:
Blasphemous non-sense!!!!!! :evil: :whistle:
Hey no offense Hab...I've seen better half eat em' fresh...I thought I'd have to rush him on to the ER....I love Habs fer the scoves....but holy shit, I wanta taste the bologna in my sandwich too....They've got it on the heat....and I can take heat...
cyotefishing said:
Hey no offense Hab...I've seen better half eat em' fresh...I thought I'd have to rush him on to the ER....I love Habs fer the scoves....but holy shit, I wanta taste the bologna in my sandwich too....They've got it on the heat....and I can take heat...

Hehe none taken.
But really you can't compare the taste of a Hab with a jalapeno.
I have no trouble with the heat...well at least until the next morning.:)
I do love jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese and coated with batter and then deep fried....🤤
Starting to cool off here at night, the pod production on this plant is slowing down. I know it'll only be another month or 3 and temps will get down to 10 C or less (50 F) with the odd frost. Not to mention level 5 water restrictions coming in 2 weeks :lol:
I admit I'm getting nervous, haven't done a winter with this thing, don't know how it'll cope....seems to be the only one on the planet.
Wondering if I should send some seeds out to good homes just in case. Any expressions of interest?
bentalphanerd said:
texas blues has made a suggestion at my post over in 'Fun Zone' that it's a Thai Dragon - from what i could find, I'm inclined to agree although couldn't find a pic of that flower & they only come in red. {maybe mines a Thai 'Golden' Dragon :lol: }

Weighing in a little late, but how about a Siamese Dragon, described on the UK chilihead site as "The largest variation of the Thai, these pods are 3 inches long and over 1/2 inch in diameter, tapering to a sharp point. Bright orange at maturity with the appearance of a large Tabasco."

I wonder though, if you bought it locally, could you contact the grower and get more information on it.
Pam said:
Weighing in a little late, but how about a Siamese Dragon, described on the UK chilihead site as "The largest variation of the Thai, these pods are 3 inches long and over 1/2 inch in diameter, tapering to a sharp point. Bright orange at maturity with the appearance of a large Tabasco."

Sounds good - do you have a link for that?

Im lucky if I stay away from Philipperv :lol:

Beware the 'dog recipe''s not getting any better...& my mangy mutt dug it up again this morning.....have installed land mines
bentalphanerd said:
Beware the 'dog recipe''s not getting any better...& my mangy mutt dug it up again this morning.....have installed land mines

Especially after Chihuahua and Sharpei wings, I'll forget about the Labrador patty's for now:lol:
bentalphanerd said:
Beware the 'dog recipe''s not getting any better...& my mangy mutt dug it up again this morning.....have installed land mines

I've been meaning to ask, is ther some way to killfile a thread here? Every time I see that title I cringe.
imaguitargod said:
Nope. All you can do is take it up with a mod.

I won't do that. People are posting, so someone is enjoying it, and I don't want to be a party pooper. I just wish I had known it wasn't a bit of lighthearted silliness _before_ I saw that picture.
pam - whats wrong are you a vegetarian ? if you do eat meat then whats wrong ? are you so used to having other people do the dirty work for you that you only see a slab of meat.

plus what about your job ? " Laboratory Animal Technologist " I dont know what you do but it sounds way worse than eating dogs as a lifestyle. sounds like you do tests on animals.
Pam said:
I won't do that. People are posting, so someone is enjoying it, and I don't want to be a party pooper. I just wish I had known it wasn't a bit of lighthearted silliness _before_ I saw that picture.

I did start it as a light-hearted post about my (much loved) dog digging up some of my Hab plants. It somehow got to a list of the more unusual eating habits from around the world and a few comments about animal cruelty. I think if you were to read through it you would find that no-one is about to cook up Fido.

bentalphanerd said:
I did start it as a light-hearted post about my (much loved) dog digging up some of my Hab plants. It somehow got to a list of the more unusual eating habits from around the world and a few comments about animal cruelty. I think if you were to read through it you would find that no-one is about to cook up Fido.

It was the picture, not the comments, at least not the ones that I saw. I'm not squeamish, but something about that picture distressed me. This is my squick, not anyone else's, which is why I asked about killfiling instead of complaining to a moderator. I don't want the thread killed because other people are enjoying it. I was just asking if there was a way is and me only, could killfile it.
chilehunter said:
pam - whats wrong are you a vegetarian ? if you do eat meat then whats wrong ? are you so used to having other people do the dirty work for you that you only see a slab of meat.

plus what about your job ? " Laboratory Animal Technologist " I dont know what you do but it sounds way worse than eating dogs as a lifestyle. sounds like you do tests on animals.

You seem a bit overwrought. May I could suggest a hit of vodka or two and an evening on the veranda to ease your tension? Perhaps, if you're feeling a bit less pugnacious afterwards, we could have a less accusatory discussion in another thread on your concerns over my personal choices.
Pam said:
Alas, there's no picutre, or I would have provided a link, but here's the site

And here's the database page. You'll have to click on "s" and scroll down.

Should I issue the usual "This site can be a time suck for the pepper addict" warning?

I think that's probably the same as the Thai Dragon mentioned by Texas Blues, thanks for looking around for me Pam..Oh & thanks for the warning..but it didn't help, I got trapped for a while and found the Thai Yellow on that database..Pod looks right but leaves aren't that big :lol:

PM me your address if you can give some seeds a good home :)
Pam said:
You seem a bit overwrought. May I could suggest a hit of vodka or two and an evening on the veranda to ease your tension? Perhaps, if you're feeling a bit less pugnacious afterwards, we could have a less accusatory discussion in another thread on your concerns over my personal choices.

pam - it seems like you're the one thats a little distraught here about that thread(topic), not me. I'm not offended by it (since I knew they were joking) BUT non the less I know in other places of the world people eat dog, I accept the fact that they do, but you dont want to accept this fact of life.
heck I'm sure the aussie's eat somethings we americans in general would not eat, since theres some aussie's here what do you eat that might be considered gross to us americans ?

I wasnt even worked up when I wrote that. is that how you take care of your tensions & issues that are bothering you in life ?
I wasnt being belligerent, those were some simple questions I asked you, but instead you took offence to it, it might mean you have some underlying issues eating away at your soul.

I havent accused you of nothing I asked some simple questions, which then you went on the offensive, I guess getting drunk & watching the stars dont work the greatest for you (to calm your nerves)
I thought these were legitimate questions since you were so distraught over that thread.
I mean IF you do tests on animals why would a pic of a dog thats been cooked for food bother you so much ?

I'll leave this subject alone now, since I dont want to hijack the thread.1 last thing, I think you should try your own remedy again since it sounds like its overdue :lol:
In Pam's defense, I found your comments a little harsh too. That's always the problem with the web, things come off and get inturprited differently then what was intended.