Anyone know what this is?

chilehunter said:
pam - it seems like you're the one thats a little distraught here about that thread(topic), not me. I'm not offended by it (since I knew they were joking) BUT non the less I know in other places of the world people eat dog, I accept the fact that they do, but you dont want to accept this fact of life.

May I politely suggest you familiarize yourself with the term "straw man".

I stand by my offer to discuss your objections to my personal choices elseweb if you can do so in a less accusatory manner.
bentalphanerd said:
I think that's probably the same as the Thai Dragon mentioned by Texas Blues, thanks for looking around for me Pam..Oh & thanks for the warning..but it didn't help, I got trapped for a while and found the Thai Yellow on that database..Pod looks right but leaves aren't that big :lol:

Yeah, there are so similar varieties and even some that have simply been renamed, it's hard to figure out what you have sometimes. The first time I ordered from Cross Country I ordered a Pimiento De Chiero pepper. It's one of my favorites now, and in looking for a good source of seeds, I found that there are more than one pepper with that name. Then, in emailing with The Chile Woman, she informed me that almost every region of South America as a chili called Pimiento De Chiero and that she had at least 6 varieties. Too, I remember reading somewhere that the Cross Country version has another name, but I can't remember what it was.,9&Keyword=PIMIENTO DE CHIERO&SearchButton=Pressed

PM me your address if you can give some seeds a good home :)

I thank you for the offer, but I've already got more than I can say grace over. I was in the front yard this morning figuring if I could run a row of Almapaprika peppers along the front of a flower bed so I could squeeze in a few more plants. They're such fabulouse grilling peppers!
IGG - harsh ! wow I never knew I was being harsh, I could of said it way different if I wanted to be harsh, FYI I never typed it to be harsh if you took it that way.
I'm just so curious why she finds those pics so harsh about how other people live, I mean since working where she does I would of thought shes seen worse, I know I've seen way worse than that 1st hand.

pam - why do you keep saying I'm accusing you of something right from the start ? which I've never did.wouldnt I need to put "you're a ..." or something to that point of wording for me to be accusing you of something.
just simple questions on why you find the pics so offensive & I only brought your job into the picture because I kinda find it ironic. FYI I have no problem with animal testing.

quote from pam//
May I politely suggest you familiarize yourself with the term "straw man".

oh thats so nice of you to start with the name calling right away, & implying that I'm stupid when I havent even stooped to that level of being childish & start with name calling. all this over some simple questions :rolleyes: I'd hate to see what you'd say to someone you dont know that says "hi" to you on the street ;)

I'll just dismiss this as your time of the month, & I'll remember not to ask you questions next time around the end of the month :P
Ok kiddies - I think it's all been said & we can all read (somewhat) - how about we get back to the friendly banter of chatting nicely about chilies :rolleyes:
chilehunter said:
oh thats so nice of you to start with the name calling right away, & implying that I'm stupid when I havent even stooped to that level of being childish & start with name calling.

A straw man isn't an insult, it's a logical fallacy.
Pam said:
I've been meaning to ask, is ther some way to killfile a thread here? Every time I see that title I cringe.
You can ignore the user with the ignore button and you won't see his/her posts.
Back to the topic at hand please! said:
You can ignore the user with the ignore button and you won't see his/her posts.

Yeah,I saw that, which is why I asked about killfiling a thread. I'd have to hit ignore for everyone posting in that thread,though, and that would make The Hot Pepper a rather sad place. It's my squick and I'll just have to deal with it.
I thought Thai chiles grow upward instead of hanging down ? at least thats what happened for the couple versions I had.

I also think someone should take Pams thesaurus away :rolleyes:
chilehunter said:
I thought Thai chiles grow upward instead of hanging down ? at least thats what happened for the couple versions I had.

**Seriously thinking about trashing this thread unless the mud slinging BS stops NOW **

Yes most Thai peppers point up , but also quite small, the leaves on this plant look the same as other Thai peppers I'm growing, although the plant shape is more like a wind broken umbrella with a main stem up to 2/3 height & then 3 strong branches come out forming a triangle of leaves with the branch ends slightly higher than the main stem.

All the flowers & pods (green & ripe) are pendulum. So the pods drip down under the canopy. The distance from corner to corner on the triangle is as high as the plant (about 1 M). Sort of like this, but green & less funny.


It looks amazing. Im hoping it will bonsai as easy as the habs so I can put a 'pet' in my office. Have 20 seedlings that are also established enough now to plant out - fingers crossed they get through winter & level 5 water restrictions o.k. Keeping a few indoors just in case :P

More trivia - all the pods seem to have exactly 25 seeds in them... like you needed to hear that :rolleyes: