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Anyone selling a few woozies?


I have some fermented harvest that I will be making into sauce but I want to bottle (instead of canning).

Is anyone out there interested in selling just a few woozie bottles with new caps?

None of my suppliers will sell just a few.

I am in BC Canada but I am open to offers from anyone anywhere.

Thanks and happy growing!
Have you tried this website? http://www.specialtybottle.com/saucebottlesmi.aspx

I am planning on buying from them when I get to that step. It looks like they will sell you as many as you need.
Thanks for that. It was worth a look; however, they only ship UPS (so taxes and duties are a guarentee plus UPS brokerage fees are higher than anyone), and their shipping to my place starts at $25. A bit rich for 5-10 (or so) bottles.
I'm in no real big hurry. I can ferment easily for at least another month. Are you getting reducers and caps as well? If you are interested in letting go of a few, pm me and I'm sure we can work something out.

Thanks for the reply!
here is a post i responded to for woozies in canada.


you could try calling them and see if they would be willing to ship a partial/open case, amazing how many smaller companies try to bend over backward for their clients, then end up with unmovable inventory.

good luck with that.
Shandley, are these just for you or going up for sale? If your going to be selling them then your going to want to use the new ones however if they're just for you and maybe family and friends then go to the supermarket and find the cheapest bottles of sauce you can. I get the Trappey's Bull from Publix for 69 cents and save the expensive shipping costs, usually as much as if not more than the cost of the bottles. Then just dump the stuff inside Clean and steralize the bottles then refill. I would pass on the bottles that have the skinny neck as they'd be a PITA to fill.
The thing is... If I am going to buy something less than $100 worth of bottles, it will cost me a lot just to get them here. It's way different in Canada and if there was one thing that would make me want to come down a join you all in the good ole US of A, it would be the post.

I'm really just after 5 bottles. I like to double when I can so 10 sounded like a good round number.

Believe me, I've looked in my supermarkets for bottles. My GF is sick of me (jokingly) wandering around trying to find more sauce stuff. My only cause here is going to be either someone in Canada who is willing to split ship something, or I will have to buy from a member in the states who is willing to reship them to me using the USPS super cool low rates.
Might also try one of the local restaurants that use some type of bottles for condiments on the tables (ie. steakhouse that uses A1 or other steak sauce on the table) as they probably have more than 5 bottles they discard a day after they refill the ones on the tables !
Well, I am after caps and reducers as well but you sparked a thought. I have a buddy who works in a restaurant supply company. The sell pretty much anything. I wonder if they may have something...

Thanks! I'll be back.
Look for a restaurant that has sauces like Tabasco or Tapatio on their tables. Even Ketchup if you're looking for larger containers. From my experience, we throw away at least 10 of those bottles a day. If you talk to the right person, I'm sure they'd be willing to save them to be recycled instead of sending them to the landfill. Offer them a few cents each, and they'd be even more willing.
Hey Shandley,

Dunno about shipping rates to Canukistan, but I've used this place in the Chicago suburbs with good results in the past:


One last point - it sounds as if your hot sauce passion burns hot enough that a large order for good bottles would not be wasted. Maybe that $100 would be a good investment. Just sayin.