trade anyone up for a trade?

hey guys!

well... I'm really getting into collecting differnt types of pepper seeds :D
so I figured this would be a good way to expand my collection cheeply and help others do the same.
I'm still only starting out, but I have a little surplus of some varieties to offer.
give me a PM if your interested in trading!

most types I only have enough for a trade or 2 :/
I currently have extra of:
-peperoncini italian (green and blocky looking)
-salsa pepper anahiem
-patio red ("warped" looking full sized sweet peppers on a tiny plant)
-piccante di cayenne
-little blue (bird type pepper. green/purple foliage, peppers start purple w/ white sholders and ripen to orange then red)
-corno di toro giallo (yellow bulls horn, have lots of these seeds)
-pepperone "stavros" (a rare greek heirloom peperoncini, simular to the peperoncini italian. have lots of these as well.)
-hot heart (have a good ammount of these as well)
-jamaican yellow (squash type)
-common types like jalapeno, serrano, cayenne(both long thin and one just called "cayenne chili pepper"), anahiem, ancho/poblano, habanaro

I also have a good ammount of scotch bonnet seeds that I saved from store bought peppers if anyones interested. their slightly less viable then good seeds, but they have an average germination rate of about 50-60% I would say(from 3 small tests i did). I have 4 plants going from these that are still small, but look promising.

I see a lot of people around here grow tomatos too, I also have some extra "chocolate cherry", "san marzano", and another that is in a package written mostly in itallian... but I have determined that they are "red pear abruzzese" an itallian heirloom giant pear type tomato from the abruzzo reigon.

I'm interested in almost any seeds I don't have.
but if I had to list a few, i guess they would be things like...
- peter pepper
- ajis (have some amarillo and hot lemon )
- pinguita de mono/pipi de mono (would love to get this one :D)
- a "starfish" pepper
- trinidad habanaro
- hot cherry (from THSC)
- trinidad bean
- 7 pot jonah
- devils tounge
- pusa jwala
- cumari
- wild brazil
- goat pepper
- guajillo
- mustard habs
.... i could go on all night listing types of peppers that I want to try growing.... I really like unique/rare things tho.

if anyones interested, let me know :)
Check with me in a couple months around harvest time, I should have the "Pinquita De Mono and Pimenta da Neyde" seeds by then.

Good luck!!
I have a few of these, namely, - kung pao, fish, twilight and de arbol, and am growing starfish and trinidad habanero. Also growing an aji called Angelo and a hot cherry, but not from THSC. I also have several New Mexico types if you are interested. PM me and let me know.
i`ve got about 8 types I can help you with but check with super 1st. lol Can`t swamp his ship and get him mad at me.Oh yea-- uh never mind super! :)