seeds-germination Anyone use this source of seeds? Is this another Reimers??

I don't know the association of Rachel and Seedman but I ordered a bunch of seeds from Seedman last year and got very bad germination rates...I notice he is not selling hot peppers this year and Rachel's funny but the numbering system she is using is the same as he used....

I would be wary....

here is my germination percent that shows the companies I got seeds from last year..

Damn AJ that is pretty dead to rights.I bought from ppper joes ans reimer and have still yet to figure out what I have.

Are you a CPA during your working hours?!

I got most of my seeds from Randell at and while I didn't keep records like you, I probably had over 90 percent germination rates, at least with peppers. Tomato seeds seem to be aout 75 percent which is normal from the sites I have read.

:oops::hell:AJ is a retired engineer....problem is...engineers never retire..... I'll be the first to tell you, that he thinks on a different layer than most. I aint sayin he is smarter or more intelligent(but he is) I am just sayin that he is extremely analytical, and with that comes a lot of talkin....about what we think......and the "way" we make things happen on this planet.........:)
I'm willing to wager that when AJ sits on the pot he writes down how many turds come out and then does a pie chart cross-referencing their shapes with the energy he used to push them out and then makes a graph outta the whole thing. :lol:
Philipperv said:
I'm willing to wager that when AJ sits on the pot he writes down how many turds come out and then does a pie chart cross-referencing their shapes with the energy he used to push them out and then makes a graph outta the whole thing. :lol:

Thats how he came up with the retaining wall idea -- Building blocks if you will
wordwiz said:

Are you a CPA during your working hours?!

I got most of my seeds from Randell at and while I didn't keep records like you, I probably had over 90 percent germination rates, at least with peppers. Tomato seeds seem to be aout 75 percent which is normal from the sites I have read.


Extra credit to the man that tells us how many total seeds
germinated from the data on AJ's chart!
Skyjerk said:
Extra credit to the man that tells us how many total seeds
germinated from the data on AJ's chart!

K, never mind. I got 314.

It didn't really take a math whiz to figure that out once I actually thought about it for 3.8 seconds ;)

Not really worth any extra credit.

That was just the total that germinated, right?
You didn't actually have 300+ plants growing out in your yard did you AJ?
Never tried Rachels myself..But im with Willard,Made up names don't count and lots of suppliers nowadays by direct from the wholesalers
and have little regard for germination rates,Quality and what there customers end up long as there new names or a fashionable chills and they sell is all that matters to a large number of company's,there exceptions of course and A.J chart and i did one myself are very useful in that regard..If they grow them themselves it means they usually take greater care and understand the process much more :cheers:
you guys kill me sometimes...I am laughing so hard the wife came in to see what I was laughing about...she says I am pretty anal retentive about numbers and stuff...

Skyjerk said:
KYou didn't actually have 300+ plants growing out in your yard did you AJ?

The January round was the first round of germination...the second germination round was started the end of February...

I started a total of 14 72 cell trays (1008 seeds) and had an overall germination percent of about 65%...gave hundreds of seedlings away, composted a bunch and planted out 327 plants...

Root rot got to a bunch of them in August before willard gave me the tip to use peroxide to "heal" those that were not too far gone...I still have probably 250+ plants in the yard right now that are still producing...I will have my biggest harvest of the year this afternoon...overall, it has been a great year....
AlabamaJack said:
you guys kill me sometimes...I am laughing so hard the wife came in to see what I was laughing about...she says I am pretty anal retentive about numbers and stuff...

The January round was the first round of germination...the second germination round was started the end of February...

I started a total of 14 72 cell trays (1008 seeds) and had an overall germination percent of about 65%...gave hundreds of seedlings away, composted a bunch and planted out 327 plants...

Root rot got to a bunch of them in August before willard gave me the tip to use peroxide to "heal" those that were not too far gone...I still have probably 250+ plants in the yard right now that are still producing...I will have my biggest harvest of the year this afternoon...overall, it has been a great year....

Non Anal retentive im sure and nice to keep germination numbers as it gives you an idea where to but the cash and where not..Damn those harvest pictures will be good ones and when you planning to open your corner store sell all this produce ;) :)