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pests Aphid? Thrips? what are these?

Hi guys, I think they are Thrips in an undeveloped stage because the type of damage they inflict seems like thrips damage (silvery shiny patches, little black bits which I understand is poop)

Sorry for the bad pics. Its the clearest I was able to get. The black object in the first picture is a laptop or notebook hard drive and the giant hole is a screw hole for the hard drive.




Whatever it is kill it! If it wasnt clear I too would think it a thrip. Have you tried a garlic and onion spray? Most of those beasties dont take kind to that. What you do is puree onion and garlic, mix with water and let sit a day or so. I'm telling you it works, give it a try.
I was looking online and I did read that the thrips can look clear when they are young and before they have their wings. All I know is I must have them all dead. DEAD!

kalikisu said:
Whatever it is kill it! If it wasnt clear I too would think it a thrip. Have you tried a garlic and onion spray? Most of those beasties dont take kind to that. What you do is puree onion and garlic, mix with water and let sit a day or so. I'm telling you it works, give it a try.
Aphids. Kill them all.

Next time would you mind downsizing the pics a little? Big pictures kill dial up. Thanks.
in the words of the red queen in Alice In Wonderland, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!"
Or in this case, just demolish them.
The pictures look big but the file size is quite small. They are 100K or smaller.

patrick said:
Aphids. Kill them all.

Next time would you mind downsizing the pics a little? Big pictures kill dial up. Thanks.
Silver_Surfer said:
Sadly it's true. No cable or DSL available here. :(

So I'm not the only one:)
There is some satellite system that locals are talking about. I'll have to look into it

As for ladybugs and other predators, they are in my opinion the only real solution for aphids. I so love this time of year when the ladybugs come out and rescue my sad, aphid infested plants
Yes satellite is available, expensive and from what I've read, unreliable. I'm still holding out for cable to make it down this side road and may have to (god forbid) develop a subdivision nearby to entice them to string the copper in my direction.

I just ordered some ladies from the link above to supplement my predator population. I'll let ya'll know how it goes.

Don't order from growquest.com

Chris Gilchrist is a scam artist.
how about the new 3G stick?
I am on DSL over my phone network service and pay $ 29.95/month, then have to pay $8.95/month for security/virus protection but for that price I have to have a basic phone service and long distance plan.
the satellite solution still uses your phone to send out and then receives via the satellite, so it receives faster than it sends.
(I have scores of ladybugs and have found some hibernating in leaves outside and brought them in to warm up - all the little black flies that have bothered me all winter have suddenly disappeared)
You know the add, "Can you hear me now?". All he would hear in this neck of the woods is his echo. :lol:
I've researched all sat options. The sad thing is cable is only 1/2 mile away. :(

Ladybugs are fewer this year than last for some reason; maybe their food source is scarce. :)
Silver_Surfer said:
You know the add, "Can you hear me now?". All he would hear in this neck of the woods is his echo. :lol

SS...This sounds like heaven to me...... I'd love to live in an area like that.....BTW...I love your quotes at the bottom...

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." Thomas Jefferson
Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.
The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.