My girlfriend came running outside when I screamed "Fuck" when I saw my yellow bhut with nearly no leaves left (that I received just a few weeks earlier - But it has started growing new leaves so its all good) ... my pumpkin vine is dead ... looks like someone shot it up with a shotgun. Actually, the yellow bhut was the only one that received any major damage. My choc capsicum lost a few pods, they got shot through. But pretty much all my plants were sitting in a few inches of hail but didn't get damaged besides from some pods that got hit. They were protected by the house for the most part.
The side of our house flooded, about 4 inches deep because the drains backed up (my seedling trays were under water). I stuck my arm down the drain to clear it out but by that time I couldn't feel my feet. I went down to the main road and cleared their drains cause it was under a good foot of water ... we actually have video of me pulling out all the shit out of the storm drains that had clogged them up (cause cars couldn't get through the road). We have a huge storm pit near our house which is probably a quarter acre in area that was filled up with a good 3 meters of water. I should have taken my ski down ...
I was at Subway when it hit, no rain or anything, went inside, then boom boom boom boom, turned around and all his hailed appeared out of no where, it was so loud it really hurt my ears (tin roof). I had to go back to the car, worst than paintball, just bam straight into me, 3cm pieces of hail. Got back inside the car then drove home during the worst of it, hit that flood I talked about earlier, like hitting a bloody pole, we got thrown forward in the car, didn't see it. When we got home the hail stopped ... the fields were white, beautiful sight, everything just like snow. Then came the part of running around clearing all the drains before the water got into the house ... only like 10 minutes of bloody terror ... but was so much fun! Note to God, lets do it again!