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Arctic Chili 2014 ™ORGANIC ™ grow glog

2014 may be the year of the chili! Aiming for 260+ plants this year mainly in polytunnels. So starting off this year: 
The complete list
Butch T Red
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chocolate
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Red
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Yellow x Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow
7 Pot Smooth Yellow
Yellow Datil
Fatalii Yellow
Peach Bhut
Bhut Jolokia Red
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bhut Jolokia x Pimente de Neyde
African Naga
Brain Brain Red
Brain Strain Yellow
Caribbran Red
Thai Red
Thai Yellow
Jalapeno El Jefe
Jalapeno Early
Jalapeno Multicolored
Aji Leom Drop
Aji Pineapple
Aji Cajamarla
Scotch Bonnet
Trinidad Perfume Red
Capanjano Scorpanero
Orange Blob
Numex Jalmundo
Yellow Habalokia
Wild Brazil
Mustard Habanero
Habanero Handgrenade Chocolate
Unknown North Myanmar Chili
Maras Biber
Carolina Reaper




Got two African Naga and two Bhut Jolokia going all winter. In tents with full automated hydroponics. Been fair to me, giving a lot of fruits! 

This is a yellow papaya tree, the other one coming up is a green papaya tree. I use it in sauces so why not. 

And more. Loads of tomatoes too. 
beardedchunk said:
I just stumbled upon your garden - fantastical to say the least!
thank you. Its been a long road building it, but its sure nice to have a green house in the garden too... Not just the poly tunnels.
Thanks... that plant produce some gigantic jalapeños, I will see next year (F3) if it continues :) 
More to come this fall, still after a good harvest: 

Butch T

Yellow 7 Pot Smooth

7 Pot Brain

Fatalii Red

Habalokia Yellow

Orange Blob F2

Peach Bhut

Capajano Scorpanero

Some, here you go. For info the greenhouse has insulated flooring with heat from the house in it. We have geothermal heating in the house so I added some in the greenhouse too.... its free :D Water and electricity is also put in the ground and into the greenhouse. 


This is my true greenhouse, where I collect mushrooms in the fall :D
it really looks nice .. I was camping once near there somewhere .. I don't know where exactly, all the camps were full when we came from Sweden and looking for free camps.... so we landed in a place called "silver-something" ... don't remember .. nice little camp, nice folks.... nice country indeed (we drove through Oslo the next day, Risor - one of the nicest places I have ever been, .... slept somewhere on the way to Telemark.... f@(k it was soooo nice :)
I say just wow!
Plants are looking great!
And I just love the greenhouse! And especially the geothermal heating. I've read up on the subject and I like the information, can't beat it in cooler climates. I wish we could get thermal cooling here.
As far as interest in your glog. People tend to look more for yours, if you comment on theirs ;) That, and it takes a bit of time..so don't give up!
She looks like a beauty, jealous of the geothermal :P What kind of mushrooms do you go for there? Almost time here, a few people are starting to go looking.