Are fatalis finicky about anything?

I only ask because there have been buds forming, flowering and dropping off seemingly for weeks now while everything else is fruiting.
Do they need more water? Less water or nutes?
It is more or less in full sun.
I find some plants simply need more or less sunlight or cooler/hotter temps to thrive.
My Bhut Jolokia Assam has set about 5-6 pods all year and then it cooled down 5-6 degrees for 2-3 weeks and we have had lots of overcast days and it has a whole bunch of flowers and about 7-8 pods set already. Every plant is different
Come to think of it, mine only put out 20 or so pods last year. I know they do well in the south eastern US. Maybe they like it humid?
Come to think of it, mine only put out 20 or so pods last year. I know they do well in the south eastern US. Maybe they like it humid?

I've read that they're a landrace from central Africa, which seems like it would be consistent with that.

My experience actually has been that they like the heat and do most of their producing late in the summer. (My climate is pretty unlike Auckland, though, so it's hard to know how to compare.) The biggest problem I've had with them, once established, is that they seem to be incredible hornworm magnets.

Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.

Well known and useful post by Willard.

Thanks but, really? 65oF minimum?
My temps are 82oF in the day and 60-65oF at night.
Is that really too little?
That seems quite strange, really.
To be fair though, maybe I'll pay more attention to number 11 :D
Mine did very well last year in hot, dry (low humidity) conditions. In fact, better than almost everything else I grew. But I think Trippa is right. Depends on the plant. Change a variable.

Also, if this is its first flush of flowers/fruit, then my experience has always been massive flower drop the first time. My second flush always seems to bring more fruit. Maybe it's just my weather or the way I do things. Dunno.

Good luck!
I grew mine in full sun and had many pods. Have you fertilized lately or change anything recently. Flower drop could be a variance on several things such as the size of pot, temps and air circulation etc...
Nah, I haven't changed anything.
Actually, perhaps they were recovering from a spot of nute burn or the first drop could have been what Eepheus was talking about.
Thanks but, really? 65oF minimum?
My temps are 82oF in the day and 60-65oF at night.
Is that really too little?
That seems quite strange, really.
To be fair though, maybe I'll pay more attention to number 11 :D

60-65 will be fine at night even lower as long as the day temperature is still getting up to a nice warm temp. Plus your humidity is usually nice and even over there so that will also help. People grow in much colder climates then Auckland and still get pod set so I wouldn't worry.