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Are my roots healthy?

I was just curious is ran color normal on roots? They don't smell more look slimy, my plant is growing like crazy; I was just worried if this was root rot? I use h2o2 every 5 days on it and the water temp stays low in the reservoir.

They look a little brown but not bad at all. When you say temps are low, how low? DWC? How big is your airstone? Enough questions yet?
It's a big round airstone it fits the whole bucket, I haven't taken temp but when I touch the water it feels cool. I've never had algae could it be from the nuts or the hydroton ? The plant isn't dying it's growing like crazy
Could be the ferts you are using coloring them. They look much better than my did when i tried it. I would say they look, not bright white like you want, but not bad.
To me(pretty uneducated when it comes to hydro) your roots look like they are not getting enough oxygen. How big is the plant?

That's how big they are, I would think they are since I do have a huge round air stone pretty much taking the whole space at the bottom of the bucket
mine are mostly the same... its from the nutrients. When starting my peppers they were bright white, but that's when the grow nutrients were being used which are a light green color, but later on I was using more bloom, which is red colored and makes the water dye the roots like that for me.

Micro also makes the water brown, so that darkens them.

I'm using the 3 Part GH nutrients.