seeds-germination Are seeds from green jolokia pods usable?

It got cold and leaves dropped before everything ripened. The snap really affected the plants so I went ahead an harvested about a paper grocery bag full. Nearly all of them are still green (and still freak'n hot). Are the seeds still usable for next year? I'm going to have plenty go go around.


Nevermind, I think I found my answer.....very unlikely though a couple may sprout. Green jolokia salsa it is then...
You'll have less viability than had you waited until they were ripe - some may sprout, others likely won't. If you have any that at least began to turn, those will be your best bets. Save more than you might have otherwise, to increase your chances.
giver a go and let us know what happens.

this year, i started to save seeds with dark centres to see how they fair with germination......... i remember another cool member asking the question about the viability of dark seeds and don't think any results came back, so i am on the quest to determine if dark seeds produce.
Hey BC, I always thought dark seeds were starting to rot, so I don't know about your theory. I know I avoid eating them. Maybe the dark ones are just super viable - I guess you'll find out. As far as green pods, if you have a grocery bag full of pods, just save a bunch of seeds. Even green seeds might get as much as 20% germination or more. That works IMO.
First and foremost, due to your avatar, I must make a declaration...
Whut Up Ninja??? (yes, I am a juggalo too, been one since 97)

Anyways, from my experience, no, the seeds wont grow. But as also stated, you might get lucky on a couple. All you can do it try...
What if you left the seeds in the picked pod and kept it on a sunny windowsill. I think the pod would keep ripening wouldnt it?

Also I believe that if you stored it with a banana, the banana has the affect of ripeneing othe fruits stored with it so that may help?

Does anyone know if there's any truth in that or have I lost touch with reality (again)? :confused: