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Are these healthy?

Here are the children of my first pepper growing effort. Do they look healthy to you guys? They're beautiful to me but reading alot of the threads, the pictures i thought looked good, some of the more experienced growers noticed problems with.

I forgot to record the exact planting dates but they were all around New Years.

These 2 are from orange habaneros i got a fairway supermarket


Habanero from Waldbaums supermarket

Thai birdseye from an Asian supermarket
Look perfectly healthy to me man, down right gorgeous in fact. I notice the one in the first pic is wrinkling a bit. Don't sweat weird shaped wrinkled leaves too much when they're young. At least a few of my plants will end up with some weird wrinkled/puckered leaves and then they grow out of it.

Whatever you do, dont make the mistake i've made of tossing out plants when they're young cause they look like they have problems. Peppers are hardy bastards and will tend to grow out of a lot of things.

Yours, however, appear to have no problems at all. You feeding them anything yet?
3 seedlings from a red hab i found out fairway and 2 of a chinense i found at another supermarket, possibly Jamaican red hots?

Just planted 4 fatalii seeds (compliments of Txclosetgrower, Thanks!) into jiffy pellets today after 2 days in a wet towel soaked with chamomile tea.
Txclosetgrower said:
Look perfectly healthy to me man, down right gorgeous in fact. I notice the one in the first pic is wrinkling a bit. Don't sweat weird shaped wrinkled leaves too much when they're young. At least a few of my plants will end up with some weird wrinkled/puckered leaves and then they grow out of it.

Whatever you do, dont make the mistake i've made of tossing out plants when they're young cause they look like they have problems. Peppers are hardy bastards and will tend to grow out of a lot of things.

Yours, however, appear to have no problems at all. You feeding them anything yet?

Thank you sir! The wrinkling never concerned me, i thought it was normal... until now. LOL.

One of the new seedlings in the last picture has a really lopsided leaf. What's that about?
UnNatural said:
Thank you sir! The wrinkling never concerned me, i thought it was normal... until now. LOL.

One of the new seedlings in the last picture has a really lopsided leaf. What's that about?

If leaves are damaged when they are really little, they'll grow funny shaped. All it takes is a tiny nick on a tiny leaf for it to grow up with that side all warped.
Txclosetgrower said:
If leaves are damaged when they are really little, they'll grow funny shaped. All it takes is a tiny nick on a tiny leaf for it to grow up with that side all warped.

Icic, the plants still all good though?
UnNatural...your plants look beautiful. You'll have lots of hot-sweats from those bad boys!! Imagine...you can buy a pepper for a few pennies and harvest a handful of seeds from it that will result in bushels more peppers. What a great world we live in!
very healthy looking my friend...
PrairieChilihead said:
UnNatural...your plants look beautiful. You'll have lots of hot-sweats from those bad boys!! Imagine...you can buy a pepper for a few pennies and harvest a handful of seeds from it that will result in bushels more peppers. What a great world we live in!

Very true indeed! Now if only i could do that with dry aged rib eye.

Txclosetgrower said:
Yours, however, appear to have no problems at all. You feeding them anything yet?

Only thing i've fed them was molasses. 1 tsp to 1 quart of water. I've only done that once so far, i'll prbably do it once a week or once every 2 weeks like that. Got the idea from you. You mentioned your grandad used to do that.

I got some plant tone http://www.espoma.com/content.aspx?type=p&id=24&intCategoryID=4 i'll be mixing this into the soil when i transplant. It was recommended by the guy at the nursery.