• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Aridzona 2015

After resisting the urge for the last month, the unusually warm weather we've been enjoying has finally overcome any common sense I may posses.   :crazy:   Here I am planting seeds a a month or two earlier than necessary.  I know the plants won't grow wildly over the winter, but with frequent sunny days in the 60s and 70s, they should do OK.  So long as they don't outgrow a ~5 inch pot, shuttling them in and out during freezing weather won't be a problem.
Baccatum, baccatum, which baccatum?  

OK, got it down to six.  (For today....  :rolleyes:  )

Two by two, the seeds went into the ground....  :woohoo:

Updated 12-10-14  -  (Oh, dear!  The mania is growing worse by the day....)
C.Baccatum   Date  Germination to date
Rainforest       11-29    1 of 2  :halo:
Aji Amarillo      11-29    2 of 2  :dance:
Inca Red Drop 11-29   1 of 2  :)
Braz Starfish   11-29    2 of 2  :dance:
Aji Omnicolor   11-29   0 of 2  
Aji Angello        11-29  2 of 2   :dance:  
Aji Colorado     12-2    0 of 2  
Bishop's Hat     12-2   2 of 2  :dance:
Aji Pineapple    12-10  0 of 2  
Birgit's Locoto  12-10  0 of 2  
Kaleidoscope   12-10  0 of 2  
Yellow (?) Fatali 12-2  0 of 2  
Negro de Valle  12-10  0 of 2  
S.F. Grande      12-11  0 of 2
Update: 12-27
C.Baccatum   Seed Date  Germination
Rainforest         11-29        2 of 2  :dance:
More Rainforest! 12-21       0 of 2
Because I forgot I already had some.  :rolleyes:  DOH!
Aji Amarillo       11-29          2 of 2  :dance:
Inca Red Drop  11-29         1 of 2  :)
Braz Starfish     11-29         0 of 2  :banghead:
The cup blew over and the seedling was fatally damaged on impact.
replanted         12-24          0 of 2
Aji Omnicolor    11-29         0 of 2 
Still waiting.  Not looking good.
Aji Angelo        11-29         2 of 2    :dance:
Aji Colorado     12-2           0 of 2
Replanted        12-25         0 of 2
Bishop's Hat     12-2           2 of 2  :dance:
Aji Pineapple    12-10        2 of 2   :dance:
Birgit's Locoto  12-10        0 of 2
Replanted         12-25       0 of 2       
Kaleidoscope   12-10        0 of 2  
Replanted         12-26       0 of 2
CAP 267           12-16       1 of 2   :)
Thanks Coheed!
Aji Cito              12-18       1 of 1  Helmet Head - looks terminal.
Replanted          12-29      0 of 2
Aji Colorado      12-18       0 of 1
Update - others.
Karaman             12-26   0 of 2
Bhut-J Red          12-25   0 of 2
Negro De Valle    12-10   0 of 2
Replanted           12-25
Fatalii                  12-25   0 of 2
SF Grande           12-11   0 of 2
Replanted 12-25
Haha, you'd better hurry. Some can take a while to germinate, don't throw them out if they don't germ within two weeks. It can take them up to a month to sprout.
Lot's of Aji's, that's what I like to see. Good stuff going on over there. Nice work Geo. I used to live in Tuscon, Tempe and Phoenix. Miss the weather not the people.. Miss my Citrus trees, Those little pink house geckos, and wall lizards.
Goodluck bud!
D3monic said:
Lot's of Aji's, that's what I like to see. Good stuff going on over there. Nice work Geo. I used to live in Tuscon, Tempe and Phoenix. Miss the weather not the people.. Miss my Citrus trees, Those little pink house geckos, and wall lizards.
Goodluck bud!
And all the beige houses....  ;) 
Finally, some good weather!  It's been 80 and sunny for the last few days.  I've worked the plants up to ~70% sun, ~30% shade without frying any of em!
Got a few 'floppers' that need to grow a spine.  They should be OK so long as we don't get any strong breezes.
One tray of 2.  So far I've got 30 plants, with more (including those Wacky Wild Varieties Pfeffer kindly sent me) in the germination box. And I haven't even started the Growdown Throwdown Giant Orange Thai monsters yet! 
Oh boy, this is gonna be worse than last year!  :D

The crop is still heavy on the Ajis, but I've added a few superhots, including Fatalii, YBS, Red Morugah, and Jigsaw, as well as a bunch of SW and Mexican varieties.  I'll update the list soon.
With more warm weather in store, they ought to take off nicely.  There's no substitute for real sunshine!
I'm not sure if you are planning to sow the wilds, but it might be better to hold on to them for next neason. The rhomboideum could still work but the others germ considerebally slower.
Pfeffer said:
I'm not sure if you are planning to sow the wilds, but it might be better to hold on to them for next neason. The rhomboideum could still work but the others germ considerebally slower.
They've been in for about a week and a half.  Hoping to see some action before too long.   :dance:
Looks like you are firing on all cylinders.  
Good job of data collecting and recording.