Asian lady beetles. Keep or kill?

Yesterday I noticed one of these going plant to plant and he got squished.Now today I seen four more. I have read they eat aphids and things but I don't have any bug problems. I am concerned about them potentially spreading disease or calling all their buddies to the party creating a swarm. Should I keep them around for preemptive pest control or kill them?

KEEP!  In our home we use to kill or remove the geckos that would run around.  Then we started seeing and "feeling" the Scorpions.  We've been scorpion free for 20 years and have geckos now we've named.
Yup the ladybird larvae can go to town on an aphid buffet.
also, let these live too, they're aphid-ravaging nymphs of one of the most seriously awesome insect predators you can have in your garden, the wheel bug they clear out potato bug larvae as well and the adults can wreak havoc on Japanese beetles and squash bugs.  They can even take out a mantis when the circumstances are in their favor:

Arilus cristatus
a lot of people freak out because they don't know what they are and they kind of resemble spiders but they're really good to have around.  As are spiders
Nuclieye said:
KEEP!  In our home we use to kill or remove the geckos that would run around.  Then we started seeing and "feeling" the Scorpions.  We've been scorpion free for 20 years and have geckos now we've named.
My daughter is constantly naming our geckos.  I swear it is the freakiest thing.  When she is out in the yard playing with them, we call her the gecko whisperer.  She can walk up to them with no issues and pick them up.  They don't run from her.  The even stranger thing is she will walk around with them for hours with them perched on her hand.  She isnt even holding on to them.  They just enjoy her company and don't try to escape.  She had one that she tried to put down a bunch of times, and it would actually run back and jump on her.  The strangest thing I ever saw...
Helvete said:
As are spiders
We never kill spiders in our yard or in our house.  That is of course with the exception of the giant tarantula we found in our yard when I lived in Texas.  He was just too freaky big.  He got hit with a shovel then doused with gasoline and lit on fire...
thanks it looks like I have some new friends to stare at my plants with me haha. I would have never recognized the larva either!

I have seen the wheel bug on a gardening show one time but have never seen one around here.

geckos & scorpions, I am jealous of all your warm climates. It was brutally cold this winter in northern Ohio! Y'all don't know how good you have it.