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High school? Wow, now that was a looong time ago. Taken more math maybe. Math knowledge seems to pay better in today's corporate world.

What tops your bucket list?
Since being a famous actress of some sort is out, I guess mine would be meeting Brad Pitt and hanging out for a few hrs/days!
Favorite place to unwind and have fun?
At the waters edge. Could be a stream, lake, ocean, no matter. It's my favorite place to be.
Would you break laws if you knew your actions could save lives of people you dont know?
Hot is worse....cant take off enough clothes to get cool, but can layer and bundle up to keep warm!!
Beer before liquor  or liquor before beer?
In a hurry to get what I want most. I'll take my time if rushing can either ruin it or cause me to have to start over.
Sweets or salts?