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NOpe lactose is just fine. I'm allergic to casein, the protein in milk. I'm allergic to gluten , too. I'm really really allergic to flax seed...and tarragon. I'm sensitive to chocolate (you do not want to see the monster I become on chocolate).

Arent you glad you asked?
I have not been tested for celiac. I did not have insurance when I discovered the allergy. If you are bein too nosey I wont give you the answer, if I dont think so I just might tell you more than you want to know :rofl: I had previously been told to be tested for celiac you had to have it in your system, and the only thing they could do for you was to tell you not to eat gluten. I've been off gluten for 7 years now, seems kinda silly to eat gluten to make myself miserable for three weeks to be told not to eat gluten, ya know? but maybe now I got insurance I should see an allergist anyways. maybe take some surprise out of the next new thing I try. :lol:

I've met quite a few women that suddenly found they had developed serious allergies, - about the time they turned 29- which is when I probably first had an inkling milk was a bad idea.

Do you have any allergies?
:?:Yeah i have allergies.. Right i am asthmatic, i am allergic to heporin- a blood thinner after surgery. I am allergic to metronidazole- a strong antibiotic, and i am allergic to triptans-strong pain relief for migranes ( i get very bad chest pains) i also had an imigran injection for headache i had for 4 weks and woke up the next day with a 6th nerve palsy (google it) it was scary at the time coz they thought i had a brain tumor or somethin...I have had two bad scares in my life and am 34 but it has made me a stronger person.

Sorry was that boring??:?::crazy:
yep, that's tmi~~~

anyone tried azucar to beat the heat of hot peppers?

happy new year!