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Nice to know you love dogs.
Did I tell you that I grew up in a small village where we used to have an obedient small army of street dogs for each street ?
Okay, I'll bring the maze.
Will you bring wampum?
He goes to the beach and has to find them first. I heard, he especially loves to kick poor old hermit crabs outta their homes because he says they are the tastiest shells!!!

We weren't talking about them sorta shells, were we?
No beer for me today, got piles of errands I must be running..... and I need to be able to operate an automobile!

Does anyone want to run my errands for me?
Where to start... shopping, return a DVD, get my license renewed (I knew I should have done it last week when I payed my car rego!), go in search of some grow lights, all kinds of crap!

Why did I hire a DVD from a video store half an hour away?
A season of Two and a Half Men. I hired it from the far away video shop cause I still had membership there from when I used to live over that way and I have yet to sign up to my local video shop.

Is it ironic that I was too lazy to sign up here but ended up having to make a greater effort to get a DVD out in the long run?