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gasificada said:
You will make your doctor upset.

Do doctors really care or do they just act that way because it is expected of them?
I know that at least some of my doctors care because they call to check up on me when they could have their assts or nurses call me. And one doctor got me a prosthetic for free and was willing to give me free inpatient rehab when my insurance was screwed up.

Aren't I lucky?
pileiton said:
I know that at least some of my doctors care because they call to check up on me when they could have their assts or nurses call me. And one doctor got me a prosthetic for free and was willing to give me free inpatient rehab when my insurance was screwed up.

Aren't I lucky?

Sounds like you have some very caring doctors. You are blessed indeed!

Have you ever had a doctor before though that really didn't seem to give a shit or that wasn't very caring?
thehotpepper.com said:
Busted. You forgot to answer. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Why pick on me when you break the rules?

The thread is called 'Ask the next person anything' not 'Answer and ask the next person anything', isn't it? :P
gasificada said:
Sounds like you have some very caring doctors. You are blessed indeed!

Have you ever had a doctor before though that really didn't seem to give a shit or that wasn't very caring?
Possibly or at least he just had no social skills.

Can you believe that although it wasn't on my shopping list they bought me those damn frozen burritos again?
gasificada said:
I would have thought a poo doctor would be one doctor that does give a shit....

Get it?

Poo? Shit?

Oh, never mind........

I get it.

A proctologist?

What does the proctologist say when you cut him off in traffic? Up yours!!!
gasificada said:
I would have thought a poo doctor would be one doctor that does give a shit....

Get it?

Poo? Shit?

Oh, never mind........
Of course I get it I made the damn joke you fool! LOL
Now what do you say?
Pie, I feel like laughing so hard at you right now.....

But I'm guessing if I do, I will be in deep doo doo, right?

(did you make it clear you didn't want no stinking burritos?)
gasificada said:
Pie, I feel like laughing so hard at you right now.....

But I'm guessing if I do, I will be in deep doo doo, right?

(did you make it clear you didn't want no stinking burritos?)
The fact that it wasn't on the list should make it crystal clear. But they did not buy the fennel seed or Cholula Chili Lime I requested.

How can I cook something if they don't provide all the ingredients at the same time?
pileiton said:
The fact that it wasn't on the list should make it crystal clear. But they did not buy the fennel seed or Cholula Chili Lime I requested.

How can I cook something if they don't provide all the ingredients at the same time?

I do not think they are taking your list seriously! Give 'em a bit of :shakes fist:

Do they not get it?
I think they get it but they still shop as they do for me being in and out of the hospital so they buy things that will not spoil. I have been in and out of the hospital many times since the original incident.

Time for me to log off and do my exercises.

But I'll be back, You all need to be chaperoned don't you?
Well, I did half of my workout, time for a break.

What I do for fun can't be posted here!

Anyone else want to listen to Judas Priest or Faith No More?
I must be the only one to listen to them.
I was gone for some time and then had the problem logging on but since I could see during that time people were here my question is...
What happened to the Fun Zone?
The fun died. I am mourning the death of it so it is even more a miserable place to be.

Come to think of it, yeah, what did happen to the Fun Zone!?
I haven't a clue but perhaps it is a good thing, keeps me away from the nutty people on the net.

I have lots of pt ahead and once I am walking again I won't be here much.

Why can I hear you guys praying that I make a full recovery and leave this joint?