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It will be difficult for me to get to beer.

We have wine and if I get desperate enough I'll drink it.

Don't think I can manage the corkscrew. AAARGHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????
I'm going to take that as a legitimate question despite the wording. No, I haven't.

As I have stated before I am not a wine drinker. But desperate times call for desperate measures?

(Time again to try to sleep)

I am a reformed person. I do not write anything that has double meaning.
I really meant another device.
So it is a legit question.
Yes, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Did you manage to open the bottle?
Everyone plays by themselves at one point or another.

What is the longest you have ever remained online reading this forum in one sitting?
In India, I have had no need to do as hot peppers are available throughout the year.
In US, I have been doing it since last four years.
Do you love growing more or eating them?
That's a tough question. This is my first year growing them but I am REALLY enjoying it! However, I began growing them because I love different peppers and could never find good ones in the local markets. I guess for now it is a tie.

Do you think your pallate has changed as you aged?