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Ok. And partially aggravating. Mostly Ok. Then I got my a$$ kicked by something they call an amphibious machine - ouch. Yes, my a$$ hurts now......

You weren't expecting that, now were you?
Man, I played the everloving s#!@ out of that game. Loved it. Could do some levels with my eyes closed. Found every secret level, and that was loooooong before the interwebs. Can still hear the theme music in my head if I think about it. Great game - all time classic.

How old do you have to be when you're considered "lame" for "still playing video games" and why is there a sitgma about video games that doesn't seem to exist with pinball machines?
i think it depends on how much time you spend playing the games. i think its lame when i see little kids inside all day long during the summer,instead of out running through the woods or whatever

will i make 1000 posts tonight
How old do you have to be when you're considered "lame" for "still playing video games" and why is there a sitgma about video games that doesn't seem to exist with pinball machines?
It is never lame as long as you are not obsessed with it to the exclusion of other activities. Plus if you go to a bar you can add darts and drinking into the mix! Or play at an old school arcade.
s man I have an idea but can I get back to you?
Yes, all of the above. Mostly it's about the metal expanding with heat & contracting with cold. In the case of screws/pins, the screws expand or contract while the bone they're anchored into does not - which creates pain. At least this is what an orthopedic surgeon told me when I busted my wrist as a kid.

I could be wrong... No doctor.

Was anyone at all surprised that MMA chick "Cyborg" Santos was 'roided out?
i knew it would only be a matter of time! :high:

why do i always forget to wash my hands after handling seeds? i end up rubbing my eyes and burning for a few minutes
Because it's a subliminal reminder for you not to pick your butt or handle your pee pee.

Did you know that you should always keep a bottle of cheap generic vodka or gin in the freezer to wash your hands with after handling raw hot peppers?

(true, btw - really helps as oils are alcohol soluble and the cold soothes)