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Well G., when I was sick you told me booze and aspirin (or along those lines) would help make me feel better....and it sho nuf did! So...back atcha! Bugs hate booze!

how many things am I cooking at once tonight, right now?....and not for the TD. (right guess gets a gold star!)
Close, 3 so far, but the night's young!

SD has a Kodak sumpin' sumpin'. I click with it, but I'm lost after that part! (hence...very few posted pics from CJ!)

How many chocolates does it take to get to the center?
Let's start with no, I'm not on medication, and CJ, that was someone else, not me. I am generally anti-mixing of any kind of drug and alcohol, and have been ever since the Karen Ann Quinlan incident so many years ago. (Wiki if you're not familiar.)

The center of what?

The universe? Just one, since I'm the goddess of the universe!

Did you expect that?
No - I prefer to "practice" prayer.

Just finished my midterm - not the easiest thing given this nearly week-long headache. NOW should I start drinking?
I very rarely get them - the only time is when my allergies are brutal, or if I get the hiccups. Generally sleep is the only thing. Advil is ok. Shot of whiskey is better.

Boob preference: small & perkey / "sporty" or massive mounds of milk mamma (ZOMG!!!!!)?
Caffiene helps me with headaches. But not caffienated soda because I also usuaslly feel sick to the stomach and the carbonazation bothers me.
Was that helpful?
Sorry, but not really. I've been doing Excedrin Migraine (which has caffeine in it) plus drinking caffeinated beverages (which I don't normally do), and nothing has cut through it yet. Bleh. Thanks for trying anyway!

You know, they say more than a mouthful is a waste - do you believe it?
LMAO Gee!!! Not necessarily....... I dunno actually.

Maybe a guy should answer Geeme's question?

If we're talking "function over form" then a nipple is really all you need in terms of "mouthful" and usage of the tool (that tool being "boobage"), however that's a bit cold and clinical for my tastes. I believe the expression is really "more than a handful", in which case I'm inclined to slightly agree, only suggesting a "10% over handful" rule be instituted because well, I think we can all agree that they're darn fun to play with.

What are your thoughts on the libertarian party?
That's a good question. And one I'm inclined to simply answer "it's another political party" for the time being.

Do I sound a bit jaded on politics?
Also a good question.

Hmm..... Do you wonder why peeps assumed I was talking about boobs when I asked the "more than a mouthful" question?
I believe that the post before your post asked about boobs so the thought that you were also talking about them was a logical conclusion.

Do you know how tiring it was for me to post this?