• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!


Well, the clock on my computer says it's 10:41pm Eastern time, which means it's 9:41pm Central time, which is where you are at. The likelihood that your sleep cycle is different from the "average" person in your timezone seems to be high, based on the times of days I see you post on a fairly regular basis. So either it's naptime for you, or you should have been in bed already, so you can post again at, oh, say, 3:51am or something like that, or you were simply referring to the amount of typing it took to post that response. Which is lame, because it just took me longer to post this than for you to post that.

Did that about cover it?
Neither. I love both, but in different ways. Hiking on a mountain side with the trees to shade you from the sun? Excellent. Walking the beach flooded in sunshine and seeing horseshoe and fiddler crabs doin' their thang? Excellent. How can one pick between these things???
My Lust Life is awesome!......My Love life is even better...just sayin'.......

Would you prefer to work w/ your hands....or work w/ your mind?....;)
LOL - As someone who is highly analytical, but a programmer AND an artist, all I can answer is BOTH.

Do I really have to go to my client's office today????