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Of course...they don't suck. Different strokes for different folks...

You just ate pure superhot death peppers, need to neutralize stat. You drink milk: whole, 2%, skim, chocolate? If you're an Aussie: clockwise or counterclockwise?
Preaching to the choir - eaten bacon a million different ways including sandwich meat.

What would be worse: swimming a lap in a vat of already-chewed habaneros or spending a week-long vacation with your in-laws?
Definitely a wise choice - just make sure the strangers aren't too weird...

If your strangers cooked up a pot of chili without beans, would you scoff at them?
Mine does, but the jack and jill bathroom connecting to my brothers room does not.

Do you regret your choice of career?

Have you guys ever tried just plain-old saltine crackers instead of dairy products? (I find they work wonders if eaten beforehand in preventing lava gut. Plus they help get the cap out of your mouth if eaten after.)

Also a weird little aside.... I recently found that chewable vitamin C works well for both, too.
I do eat the saltines before and during pepper eating. I'll try the vitamin C though.

If i'm white does that make me a saltine cracker?
Battered fish of some kind. (Not really big on seafood. ;))

The first person that decided to try an oyster... what were they thinking at the time?! (Mmm... how appetizing does THIS look? :lol:)
Somehow..... I'm sure it was a dare.

When was the last time you were dared and what was it about and did everything work out well for you?