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I don't think so... but it sure would be cool!

Have you ever awoken and found yourself doing something odd like rummaging through your closet?
It was a bit of both. Had places to be, but it was still leisure stuff.

How come just as I settle down and really start feeling the weekend, bam, it's 10:40 on a Sunday night?
Time is relative - relaxation goes quickly, while hustle-and-bustle seems to last forever...

Would we be better off as hunter-gatherers with all their leisure time?
indeed - but my week tends to coopt the weekend letting me never relax...

(correction - most of hunter-gatherers time was spent in leisure)

Should the USA adopt a national pepper?
Naaaaaah.... I can totally see a HUGE argument over that one. Not worth it.

If you had to have a 1" diameter mole somewhere on your body, where would you prefer it to be?
Oy - no favs here, either, and I read a TON of stuff. But I can tell you I despise romance novels, and can't believe people actually read that stuff. Pretty much anything other than that is fair game, though.

Do you have a particular genre that you dislike, and if so, what is it?
Sometimes my newborn (good tears), but not much other than that...

If someone says they grow the best peppers, do you think they are full of sh*t?
Yes and no...of course flavor/heat profile is personal preference, yet quantitative factors can also be used to determine best whatever

Do you grow the best peppers?
I grow peppers - if they're the best, someone else will have to tell me about it; it's not a contest for me.

Should you be doing what you're doing right now?