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No. I figure if he's smart enough to be on THP, he's smart enough to have done some research and found an answer by now. (As my son and daughter say, "Google can be your friend!")

Did you notice he didn't specify if it is a + or - CD?
With a brain the size of the one in your picture i'm sure alot of dirty thoughts come out of there.

Do you think the Giants will win the World Series today?
I don't think about the Giants, so have to say I have no idea.

But did you know that #2 St. Edwards beat #1 St. Ignatius last night and so now has the #1position in the Division 1 Region 1 OHSAA playoffs?
Cuz you live in Illinois. Idaho and it's raining here.....wierd....rain in a desert? Should be cold and windy.

How many peppers can I fit in my freezer?