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Hot air Balloons scare the shit out of me, I had a bad experience (100% my fault) :rofl: . I still gotta tell you that story some day Ryme.
I dream to fish Alaska some day for Ling, Salmon, and Halibut.
If you could have toast with anyone live or dead who would it be?
hogleg said:
Hot air Balloons scare the shit out of me, I had a bad experience (100% my fault) :rofl: . I still gotta tell you that story some day Ryme.
I dream to fish Alaska some day for Ling, Salmon, and Halibut.
If you could have toast with anyone live or dead who would it be?
All in a weekend trip when I lived in Alaska. :party:
Toast? Umm... I assume you mean some 1 on 1 time with someone to shoot the breeze... In that case, Steve Irwin. He was my hero growing up. The real deal.
If you could have one free shot to deck someone, alive or dead, who would it be?
A: It's a tossup between Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, since they were the ones who had this same exact conversation in Fight Club.
Q: If you could choose to do anything for a career, what would it be?
JuanHubero said:
Q: If you could choose to do anything for a career, what would it be?
Zoologist, Herpetologist or something that lets me play with animals and a greenhouse all day. 
Knowing that Jessica Alba has the Herpederps would you still tap that unprotected? (damn you derek jeeter.)
Nope. Not even wrapped in a Trojan High Risk Condom. Nothing sexy about a cheesey taco with herpderp sores.
1970's Buckwheat on a bad hair day look on a lady... Sexy?
All I will say is I am conservative. A pro-gun, pro-marijuana, anti-abortion, pro-human rights conservative.
If you saw someone abusing their child in public, would you intervene?
Actually I do and have. I raise my voice and say "Hold it now!, bad is bad but nobody deserves getting hurt over it". By raising my voice others often see the problem and stand by with me. Turning your head and letting a child feel pain is unexceptable. I have not, but wouldn't have a problem getting a pic with my phone and calling the cops if need be. I also would report child abuse if I was sure that was going on. There are so many programs that are designed to help. There is no room for that stupid shit in our society. CHILDREN ARE PRECIOUS!

Favorite pop tart flavor?
Rymerpt said:
Actually I do and have. I raise my voice and say "Hold it now!, bad is bad but nobody deserves getting hurt over it". By raising my voice others often see the problem and stand by with me. Turning your head and letting a child feel pain is unexceptable. I have not, but wouldn't have a problem getting a pic with my phone and calling the cops if need be. I also would report child abuse if I was sure that was going on. There are so many programs that are designed to help. There is no room for that stupid shit in our society. CHILDREN ARE PRECIOUS!

Favorite pop tart flavor?
I had to intervene once. I was the only person who would. Everyone else just stood there like sheep. I was thinking about that earlier.
Oh heck, I haven't had a pop tart in loooooong time. I would have to say that my favorite used to be the strawberry ones.
Favorite TV show?
Rand Paul should be president. That said who evers special interest that bought the election will win. 
Favorite show is a hard one as I don't watch typical tv anymore, i've been on an anime kick. Steins gate was a really good one. 
Q:What's the most embarrassing situation you got caught having sex in? (For me, i was living in an efficiency apartment with my mom. My gf handcuffed me to the wicker futon and was riding me. half way through my mom came home. She jumped off me and hid in the bathroom leaving me butt naked handcuffed to where my mom slept........she wasn't happy.) 
Duuuude! Your mom saw your boner? And your girl just left you there?! Weak!
I don't think I've ever been caught. Some awkward things, but never caught.
Same question (grabs popcorn).
We were living in Bend, OR at my mother in laws. We were getting it on in the early morning hours on the family room floor. I turn around and my mother In law is standing in the staircase watching...

Same question.
This one time, I got a certain piercing caught in the gap in my wife's teeth as her mother was knocking on the door... :shocked:
Rymerpt said:
There was this time in band camp............

Favorite Jellybelly flavor?

Same question. What's the most embarrassing situation you got caught having sex in?
Never been caught, but I'm a writer so here goes some creative fiction:

The jello was warmer than I had expected and,though we hadused 30 cases, still had not fully congealed. I wanted lime, but she insisted on cherry. I was sure that it would color us, but was not going to turn down her request. I could not believe that she was hip to the idea of wallowing in a huge vat of jello and see what becomes of it. "With or without whip cream"?, she giggled as she kicked off her suit and slipped into our desert pool. "All I need is already added" ,I grinned and slid in beside her.

Just then a shuddle cock flew over the fence followed by the nieghbor boy.

"What the hell?" , yelled the teen as he ran screaming for the gate.

"Where is that whipping cream you mentioned?" I said as I returned to my desert.
