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When I was working in a biomedical engineering ophthalmology lab, they used these little plastic shoes to attach to the eyeball one by one and then insert into a machine to stretch it and take pictures to simulate accommodation (looking at things up close). The machine was called evas, ex-vivo accomodation simulator. However, sometimes the force would be unequal and would tear because of human error putting the shoes on. I designed and built out of pmma a device that looked like a microsocope but used two shutters in an eye piece to align the pupil+iris perfectly with the shoes. You would use screws to manipulate the angle of the eye on the bottom and then once everything was good, slide down the shoes and bam. 100% accuracy each time
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Beef tongue? That's not weird. lengua tacos are delicious, or sliced beef tongue with cranberry sauce and lemons mmmm. Go try some balut and get back to me lol
Ophthalmologist is my dream job, hence why i'm studying for the mcat. My real dream job would be a fisherman on a charter boat, but obviously that life would suck so I need to be able to afford one of these babies

If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be?
My local ramen ^. I'm assuming you meant what is your favorite flavor, as for my best flavor, I don't know what I taste like. I'll interpret it as I have
Pat's or Geno's? Don't answer this unless you know what i'm talking about ;) 
I don't watch horror movies cus they're generally terrible, but i saw hannibal for the first time and buffalo bill is hilarious
green, oil, edibles? I'll let senor salty answer this one
Marijuana? Not for me!!!!

So what do ya think of this crazy ass new "drugs are COOL" attitude that seems to be infesting our everyday lives?
I have never taken drugs and never will. It's sad to think some people need it to get through life. Cool or not, I don't want any.
What is your addiction? 
Trying to go to japan right now. Less an addiction more of an obsession
What do you think is worse for your mind and body, alcohol or marijuana?