• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!


I don't know that things are not there until I look.

I want some hot cocoa, sprinkled with cinnamon, topped with whipped cream or a hot butterscotch coffee. A warm bed because I am tired and cold. Is that expecting too much?
It's a public forum.....

Am I allowed to tell the guys who are right outside my window (painting our building) to F@#K OFF so I can get some sleep?
Once in a while shouldn't hurt but...

did you know that 'Gravol' for motion sickness is an excellent replacement for sleeping pills?

(It makes you sleep, is non-addictive, doesn't require a prescription, and doesn't leave you feeling groggy in the morning like sleeping pills do)

: )